Auction 26

Eretz Israel, anti-Semitism, Holocaust, postcards and photographs, Travel books, autographs, Judaica

July 2, 2024
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1. The problem of Palestine - attempt to solve the Jewish-Arab problem in the Land of Israel on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. London, 1939

“The Problem of Palestine” by Maude Royden, published by Hutchinson & Co. London, 1939 – First edition.

Important and early publication that saw light on the eve of the outbreak of World War II, in which the author extensively and in depth discusses the Jewish-Arab problem in Palestine and presents a solution for the near future. The author outlines in full severity the problem of the immigration of European Jews, and concludes that in light of the political developments between European powers, Jews have no place anywhere on earth except in Palestine alone. As for the triangle of Jews – Arabs – British, the author outlines an interesting solution to the problem in the form of a gradual departure of the British from Palestine and the end of the British Mandate, encouraging Jewish immigration to Palestine as quickly as possible, neutralizing the militant groups among the Arabs in Palestine, and sustainable peace between Jews and Arabs interested in progress and high quality of life, peace and prosperity.

144 p. Very good condition.

Opening price: $120
Sold: $120

2. Rare publication on the Jewish - Arab problem in Palestine. New York, 1936 - First Edition

Jews and Arabs in Palestine Studies in a national and colonial problem, edited by Enzo Sereni and R. E. Ashery, published by “Hechalutz Press” New York 1936 – First edition.

Rare publication on the Zionist struggle to establish a Jewish national home in Eretz Israel in the face of the Arab minority and its attempts to undermine the success of the Zionist movement. How the Jewish immigration strengthened the Zionist claim to ownership ofEretz Israel, what the Balfour Declaration did for the Jewish-Arab conflict, Eretz Israel for the Jews as a solution to the global anti-Semitism problem, whether the outbreaks of violence in Israel have the power to stop the massive waves of Aliya to Israel, and more.
The book includes important articles by leaders of the Zionist movement, including: an article by Haim Arlosoroff – the general background to the Arab question, on Jewish migration by M. Nemirovsky, the political plan of Zionism by David Ben-Gurion, the political future of Eretz Israel – an article by Berl Katznelson, Jewish unions and Arab labor by Yaakov Hazan, and more.

101a, [1], 315 p. Minor stains on cover. Good condition.

Opening price: $150
Sold: $240

3. Visitor's Guide to the Temple Mount - The Supreme Muslim Council. Jerusalem, 1927 - Second Edition

Notice Illustrée sur Al-Haram Al-Sharif Jerusalem visitor’s guide to the Temple Mount – published by the Supreme Muslim Council – Jerusalem, 1927 – second edition – French.

Visitor’s guide to the Temple Mount (al-Haram ash-Sharif) – a description of its buildings, their importance and historical origin. Along with the descriptions of the entrances to the Temple Mount, the guide includes seven photographs originating from the photographs of the American Colony in Jerusalem (at the beginning of the guide the publisher thanks the colony people who agreed to use the photographs for the guide): a panoramic view of the Temple Mount; Sebil Qaitbay (the Qaitbay Bay fountain); Minbar al-Saif (the summer pulpit); the Dome of the Rock; the Foundation Stone (“the Rock”); and al-Aqsa Mosque (exterior and interior views). At the beginning of the guide it is written that the entire site is holy to Muslims, therefore visitors should refrain from smoking in it and bringing dogs into the compound. And that the entrance hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. every day except Friday.
The guide was published by the Supreme Muslim Council, a body that represented the religious interests of the Arab public in Palestine during the British Mandate period. The council was established in 1922 and was in charge of managing the Waqf properties, including the Temple Mount, and managing the Muslim court system; Haj Amin al-Husseini was elected as its president. Although the guide was written from a Muslim point of view, it defines the Temple Mount as the site of the Temple. On page three it is written: “You are in one of the most ancient sites that exist, whose holiness dates back to the most ancient periods. Its identity with the site of Solomon’s Temple leaves no room for doubt; and here David built ‘מזבח לה’, וַיַּעַל עֹלוֹת וּשְׁלָמִים’ [Shmuel Bet, 24:25].” And later it is explained about the place called “Mahkmat Daoud” (Dome of the Chain) where David’s court was located. It is also written about the 15 columns in the Western Wall that they served to reinforce the Temple in Solomon’s time, and that at the time of the conquest of Jerusalem by Titus the place served as a refuge for the Jews.

Rare. In the world cat library catalog, only two copies appear from this 1927 printing.

16 p. 24.5 cm. Original cover. Filing holes. Good condition. The upper corner of the back cover with parts of the stamp of the Supreme Muslim Council is detached as in all known copies (this is a sign that the guide was used).

Opening price: $150
Sold: $170

4. "Palestine to Whom?" - Rare publication about the Israeli-Arab conflict during the time of gathering the remnants of European Jewry. Buenos Aires, 1946

Para quién Palestina? – “Palestine for whom?” Rare publication on the Israeli-Arab conflict in Eretz Israel, by Frank Gervasi, published by Direzan Editores, Buenos Aires 1946 – First edition. Spanish.

After six years of research on the Palestinian issue, the author, who grew up among Jews, Christians and Arabs in the United States, published his study at a time when it was unclear whether Palestine would be handed over to the Jews, the Arabs, or remain under the British Mandate. The author outlines an interesting future picture of full equal rights for all the nations living in the Land of Israel, where any side that refuses to live with full equal rights essentially admits the right of the other side to receive Palestine. The author, who was not Jewish himself, expresses unqualified support for the Jewish position, particularly after the Holocaust, and argues that first and foremost the Land of Israel will provide shelter for Holocaust survivors who have nowhere to return to, and only then recommends discussing the question of peace in Palestine itself. The author elaborates on the Jewish contribution everywhere in the world with stories such as the heroic work of Hannah Szenes and others who gave their lives to save their Jewish brothers wherever they were, even when they could have saved themselves and avoided danger. As for “ownership of the land”, the author argues that when the Arab landowner sold the first dunam of land in Palestine to a Jew, the Muslims accepted the presence of Jews according to their own laws, and the hundreds and thousands of dunams sold thereafter only strengthened the legal ownership of the Jews over the lands they inhabit. He further argues that the Arabs never had “sovereignty” in the Land of Israel, and in fact from the early Middle Ages they almost completely abandoned it, and he encourages Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel as a direct continuation of the Jewish vision throughout history. Regarding the debate over territorial boundaries, Frank argues that after the atomic bomb took center stage in history, territorial boundaries are meaningless altogether, at a time when “an attack can be initiated and achieved through the simple process of pressing a button.”

Extremely rare. Does not appear in the world cat library catalog.

236 p. Minor wear to binding. Good condition.

Opening price: $150
Sold: $170

5. The promised land. Paris, 1925 - Signed and numbered copy

LA TERRE PROMISE by Josue Jehouda, published by F. Rieder, Paris, 1925. From the Judaïsme series – signed copy by the author and numbered 74 out of only 100 copies printed on Lafuma paper (acid-free paper, lasts for a long time). French.

An important publication on the essence of Zionism as a vital movement of a people wishing to realize vital social life in their homeland and how it is actually realized through the establishment of Hebrew settlements in Eretz Israel. According to the author: “The desire to reduce Zionism to political action is to deprive it of its vital life breath. Before being Zionist, Zionism is a state of consciousness”. The author defines his book “not as an attempt at propaganda, but as an honest testimony of a convinced Zionist aware of the genius of his race, which was established for the revival in the divine breath of the Promised Land”. In his book, the author describes the Jewish settlement in the moshavot and cities of the country, and even provides an extensive physical description of the land that is coming back to life by the people who are rising to make it flourish.

122 [3] pages. Minor stains. Very good condition.

Opening price: $150

6. Mourning for the death of Matityahu Herzl - special mourning issue of the newspaper "Hashkafah" on the passing of Theodor Herzl

“Mourning over the Death of Matityahu Herzl of Blessed Memory” a special issue of the “Hashkafah” newspaper edited by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, after the death of Theodor Herzl. On the thirtieth day of his passing.

“…He is dead, G-d in Heaven, he is dead, he is dead! This great leader this national hero, this head of the Hebrew people is dead! The man who created the Congress, the Treasure; the man who gathered an entire people under his flag; the man who already said to establish the state – this man is dead! And we cannot express even a single word to utter the pain of the heart. Tears burst from our eyes; our thin cheeks became white, our poor hearts began to beat, to beat, so much, so much… And like real madmen, so we ran in the streets, we walked before us, always before us, we breathed the wind, we raised our hands and lowered them again. G-d he is dead! He! He! He is dead!” From the article by editor Eliezer Ben-Yehuda at the beginning of the issue. In his article, Ben-Yehuda bitterly mourns Herzl’s passing and writes about him that “there has not been one like him among us for hundreds and hundreds of years”, and adds that Herzl’s death is nothing less than “a new Kishinev, perhaps more terrible…because in the first brave men fell victim for the people, and this time the very commander of the army fell!”…, there is also an article by Alter Widberg about the eulogies delivered for Herzl in Eretz Israel, and more.

In the issue’s headline, Ben-Yehuda chose Herzl’s nickname “Matityahu” and not his Hebrew name “Benjamin Ze’ev” or the foreign “Theodor”. The origin of the name “Matityahu” by which Herzl was called is in the summer of 1903. That year, Herzl made a quick visit to Vilna where a huge crowd of Jews was waiting for him, and a ceremony was held at the “Great Charity House” on German Street in Vilna. During that visit, Herzl was presented with a certificate signed on parchment titled “To Matityahu son of Jacob Dr. Herzl, the Lord is with you mighty hero, etc.”. The people of Vilna saw Herzl as a pioneer and trailblazer, dedicated to his people and willing to pay a price, like Matityahu the Hasmonean in his time. The Zionist movement remembered Herzl with great honor and respect, but did not adopt the name “Matityahu”. In Ahad Ha’am’s eulogy for the hero of the nation who died in the issue before us, he deliberately chose the name “Matityahu”, as one of the Russian police officers reacted to the crowd gathered at that meeting in Vilna before Herzl’s arrival: “You already have a king but no land yet!”.

[9] pages. Complete issue with the “Addition” page for the issue. Good condition. Loose spine reinforced with adhesive tape.

Opening price: $150
Sold: $150

7. Theodor Herzl Biography - "People's Edition" first published in Jerusalem. 1935

Theodor Herzl Biographie – by Alex Bein – Published by FIBA, Vienna, accompanied by 63 photographs. “People’s Edition” – Jerusalem, 1935. German.

The most comprehensive biography of Theodor Herzl’s life which was made from printed and unprinted materials, the original version of Herzl’s diaries, original documents from the Herzl Archive in Vienna, documents related to Theodor Herzl from the Foreign Office in Berlin, the Rathenau Archive in Berlin, and more. The author also brings for the first time things about Herzl’s time as a journalist in Paris through rare issues of the “Neue Freie Presse” in which Herzl wrote, which he received from the editor Dr. Benedict. The author’s aliyah to Eretz Israel during the writing of the book enabled him to complete the work with the assistance of the Wolffsohn Archive in the National Library, and in the Herzl Room in the JNF building in Jerusalem, and he also obtained materials that were found in those days in private hands in Eretz Israel. The book provides for the first time extensive new information regarding Herzl’s pre-Zionist period. “I never wrote more than I knew from the sources” the author testifies about himself. This edition was published in Jerusalem as a “People’s Edition”, after the subscription editions published in Vienna were sold out.

736 p. 21 cm. Without dust jacket. Good condition.

Opening price: $150
Sold: $440

8. Land of Israel. Impressive photo album published by Keren Hayesod. London, 1920s

Eretz Israel. A photo album published following the rapid development of the Jewish settlement in Eretz Israel after the Balfour Declaration of 1917, published by the Central Bureau of Keren Hayesod. London, [1924].

A booklet with 32 black and white photographs of settlements, cities and landscapes in Eretz Israel, including: A shepherd on the shores of the Kinneret, the Oak of Abraham in Hebron, the “Hadassah” Hospital in Jerusalem, views of the Technion in Haifa, the Borkhov neighborhood in Tel Aviv, agriculture in the Hebrew settlements, Degania, Ness Ziona, Rehovot in its early days, the Yemenite neighborhood next to Rehovot, Montefiore Street in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives and more.

The booklet opens with an introduction in Hebrew (and in English on the opposite side, and in Yiddish) about the unprecedented development of the Jewish settlement in the Eretz Israel since the Balfour Declaration, and the vast lands acquired by the Keren Hayesod, as well as the contribution of the Keren Hayesod to the development of the land in all areas – agricultural settlement, education and schools, Aliya, industry, commerce and crafts, health care, and more.

25×15 cm. Introduction in Hebrew, Yiddish, and English. Additional title page on the other side of the booklet in English. Minor stains on some pages. Overall good condition.

Opening price: $150
Sold: $150

9. Language of Children reading and study book with drawings - from the rare Siberian publications

Language of Children reading and study book with illustrations by Chaim Pinchas Bergman and S. H. Barkuz. Part Two, published by the National Council of the Communities of Israel in Siberia and the Urals, Irkutsk (Russia). No year mentioned (1920s).

A book for teaching reading to children with many illustrations – Vowelized stories on the subject of the Jewish holidays, the yard, the boy and the bird, the river, a story about a baby who rose up in the air, and many more. One of the rare publications of the National Publishing House of the Communities of Israel in Siberia. Black and white illustrations, one of the illustrations in color.

126 p. Minor tears at the edges of the cover. Body of the booklet in good condition.

Opening price: $150

10. Independence Day - booklet for the children of Israel. Tel Aviv [1958]

Independence Day – a booklet for the children of Israel. Illustrations by Hanna Getzler. Published by Shmuel Zimzon Tel Aviv, [1958]. All the songs and illustrations in the booklet deal with the children of Israel preparing the flag of Israel and waving it. Rare.

The entire booklet contains songs and illustrations on the subject of the flag of Israel. The booklet opens with the anthem “Hatikva”, followed by flag songs by the poets S. Skolskali, Avraham Broides, Pinchas Lander, Levin Kipnis, Y. Akavia, Ya’akov Rimon, Avraham Broides, R. Sporta.

[12] p. Stains. Good condition.

Opening price: $120
Sold: $140

11. Tzayer Chagenu - coloring book for children on Independence Day and Jewish holidays

Tzayer Chagenu – Independence Day. Illustrations by E. Nadel. Published by Benjamin Barlevy. A coloring booklet for children on the subject of Independence Day as part of the traditional Jewish holidays.

Illustrations on the subject of the Jewish holidays arranged according to the Hebrew calendar: Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hanukkah, Tu Bishvat, Purim, Pesach, and Independence Day. On every two pages on the left is a colored illustration, and on the right the same illustration for coloring by the child, with Independence Day appearing on the title page of the booklet and its coloring page is the last page in the booklet.

Tears at the margins of the title page, including an open tear at the top left. Apparently the last page is missing. Good – moderate condition.

Opening price: $120
Sold: $140

12. The Trip Through the Holyland - children's book that was published after the Six Day War with the liberation of Jerusalem and the holy places

The Trip Through the Holyland edited by Raffy colorful lithographic illustrations depicting the new Land of Israel after the conquest of Jerusalem and the holy sites, by M. Arie, published by E. Zelikovit Tel Aviv, after the Six Day War. A dedication from 1971 on the inside cover. English.

A very charming children’s book describing Tony and Dina’s visit to Israel. Published after the Six Day War with the liberation of the city of Jerusalem and the holy sites visited by the two. Tony and Dina visit Haifa, then in Tiberias they meet fishermen boys one Jewish and one Arab, they continue to Kibbutz Ein Harod, pick oranges in the Sharon Valley, and from there continue to the city of Gaza. They visit Masada and Eilat, and go back up to Hebron, from where they continue to Rachel’s Tomb (“a holy place for Jews, who come to pray and ask Mother Rachel to bless them and grant them health and happiness”), they continue to visit the Western Wall and the Old City. And they end the visit in new Jerusalem, where they are given a Bible from a Jerusalem boy. Finally, they fly in a helicopter over Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv.

Each double-page spread in the book is accompanied by a large full-page illustration and the text on the opposite page.

30 [1] p. Very good condition.

Opening price: $120
Sold: $170

13. Non-traditional haggadah. The Moshava Rehovot - "Herut" Group, 1936

A non-traditional Haggadah with illustrations some hand-painted, duplicated in stencil – Moshava Rehovot, “Ḥerut” group, 1936. Alongside spring songs, and excerpts from the traditional Haggadah there are lengthy passages describing the Jewish struggle in building Eretz Israel, with all the Aliyot to Eretz Israel in the modern era detailed in biblical language with a pioneering spirit, from the First Aliyah to the Fifth Aliyah, during which members of the “Ḥerut” group of Ashkenazi descent expanded the Moshava Rehovot during the land decree in the 1930s. Very rare Haggadah.

The Haggadah begins with the bringing of the Omer “We have seen our toil like the toil of ants…”, spring songs, Dan Din song, excerpts from the traditional Haggadah – Ma Nishtana, Avadim Hayinu, Betzet Israel MiMitzraim, Vayehi BiShloah Pharao, Ma’ase beRabbi Elazar, Seuda and more.

The interesting part of the Haggadah includes several lengthy original passages describing the rise of Israel in Eretz Israel, starting from the First Babylonian Aliyah at the end of the First Temple period, and continuing with the First Aliyah to Eretz Israel in the late 19th century. The special chapter opens with the title “The Departure from Babylon” featuring a biblical passage describing the first return of the Jewish people to Eretz Israel from Babylon: “Go and lets rebuild the wall of Jerusalem”, with an illustration of a sword and tools. Then the opening for the chapter “The Five Aliyot” is an extensive quote from the writings of Rabbi Avraham of Kalish published in 1776, “Moda’a Rabba” about the challenges facing the Jewish immigrants to Eretz Israel: “To all those who ask and seek to dwell with honor in the Holy Land Moda’a Raba… many reversals and transformations will pass over each of those who come to the land before they establish themselves in it. Not a day or two, not a month or a year, but over the course of many years, until the days of absorption have passed and they have become integrated into the life of the land…”. This is in fact the opening to “The Five Aliyot” to the Land of Israel. With each chapter appearing under the title “The First Aliyah”, “The Second Aliyah”, etc., describing the pioneering spirit and the spirit of the immigrants in each of the aliyot. For example, in the First Aliyah chapter appears the sentence: “Go out from the realm of thought and speech into the realm of action, go to the realm of action” expressing the feelings of the first immigrants who rebelled against the Diaspora and decided to take action and immigrate to Eretz Israel to build it. In the chapter “The Second Aliyah”, the feelings of those who made Aliyah are described as a “new type among the children of Israel” who called on their brothers to join them in Aliyah and build the land. “The Third Aliyah” describes the initiative of the immigrants to complete the building of the land that their predecessors had begun. “We will make paths, we will carve rocks for the stones! The hammers will echo with our song”. In “The Fourth Aliyah” the joy of the Hebrew workers in Eretz Israel and their dedication to building the land is described, and the celebration of their achievements: “A city rejoices in singing choir, the cement sings for us”.

The most detailed chapter is “The Fifth Aliyah, ” which directly deals with the events of the Haggadah writer. The chapter describes in length the difficult days in Eretz Israel at the beginning of the 1930s – the British restrictions on Jewish immigration to the land, the work stoppage, and on the other hand, the vision of the people of Moshava Rehovot who nevertheless gathered themselves to oppose the decrees and continue building Eretz Israel.

This chapter opens with the words: “Those were desperate days in the country”, and describes how “the lack of security in Eretz Israel ceased for the masses of Israel”, the gates of the land were closed, immigration to the land stopped, land acquisition stopped because of the British “Land Law”: “And a decree came forth from the ruler: “Land will not be given to the group…” and in response arose “a few people among one of the groups in the country from the immigrants of lithuanian exile based in Rehovot” and it is described in detail how they flourished the desert in an area full of sand with the help of a group that came from Hadera: “Come and let us break the yoke of the ruler and hold on to it with our nails… For it is a tradition in the hands of workers in the land. The land of the people shall not be given to them, and they conquered it by virtue of their toil and dedication. And as they said so it was”. It describes how they inaugurated the land with a large bonfire they lit on Passover, and how they welcomed the Hachshara group that was on its way to Eretz Israel from “villages of the Goyim in Ashkenaz”, who arrived and established the “Ḥerut” group. They were the ones who “came and opened the gates of the Fifth Aliyah with the aliyah of ‘Ḥerut”, and it has also been made clear to the ruler since then: “Heavy cannons will not remove you from here”, and thus the way was paved for the continuation of the Zionist enterprise of building the settlements of the land.
On the last page appears the song “The chain was not broken” around which a large illustration starts with Moses and the Stone Tablets and continues to Jewish immigrants in their traditional attire from different countries alongside pioneers, celebrating with Hora dance the succession of generations of the Jewish people and its vision.

It is not specified on the cover where the haggadah was printed, but according to what is written in the chapter about the Fifth Aliyah: “announcement came to the group, land for the national fund in Rehovot!”, and later: “These are the people of Kibbutz “Ḥerut” who felt the first in their flesh and blood the expected fate… And so the first Seder was celebrated here on the land” – the Haggadah was composed by members of the Ḥerut group who flourished the plains of the Moshava Rehovot.

Extremely rare Haggadah. Does not appear in the National Library and is not listed in Steiner’s list of kibbutz Haggadot. We have not seen another copy of this Haggadah.

[21] p. 26×21 cm. Soft cover. Stains on title page and the following page. Through the entire pages of the Haggadah, the upper left corner is cut without damage to text and illustrations. Color peels in the purple spine ribbon. Minor tears on the title page restored with paper adhesive on inner side. Overall good condition.

Opening price: $300
Sold: $480

14. Albert Einstein visiting a girls high school in San Diego - California - large photo. December, 1930

A large photograph showing Albert Einstein looking somewhat embarrassed, during a visit to a girls’ institution in San Diego, California, December 31, 1930.

Einstein is holding a bouquet of flowers received from the San Diego high school girls. The photograph is described on the back in handwriting: “San Diego high school girls greet Einstein”. Einstein arrived in San Diego with his wife Elsa on a ship. Upon disembarking from the ship, a large crowd awaited him. The visit was held in honor of the New Year’s Eve. As part of the visit, Einstein spoke at the Spreckels Organ Pavilion. A short video showing Einstein upon his arrival in the city can be seen here .

Size: 37×20 cm. Color peels on the upper part of the photograph. Slight tear on the upper left. Light crease in the center and upper part of the photograph. Good condition.

Opening price: $500
Sold: $2,000

15. They All Are Jews From Moses to Einstein - important publication on the famous personalities of the Jewish people - New York 1937 - Special preprint copy

They All Are Jews From Moses to Einstein – by Mac Davis with illustrations by E. E. Claridge – Published by Jordan Publishing Co. New York 1937 – first edition with original dust jacket. Special copy signed: “Review copy not to be sold” – printed in a few copies for the purpose of examination and final proofreading before its publication for wide distribution. Rare.

From the introduction to the book: “Maybe they are not the greatest that could have been selected, but their deeds are so tremendous and so varied in scope, that as a group they actually compose the history and progress of the Jew through civilization. It is interesting to speculate on what might have happened to many who appear within the covers of this book if fate had been otherwise. If a raucous Prussian guard at the Berlin border had remained adamant in refusing entry to the German capital a stammering, humpbacked yeshiva student would the world have known a Moses Mendelssohn? If a pious, aged, learned Jew had insisted that his five sons remain at home in the ghetto and become rabbinic scholars instead of sending them to foreign lands to become merchants, would the House of Rothschild have written the most brilliant chapter in the financial and political history of Europe? If Spinoza had not been cursed by his people and driven from his home, would he have become the greatest philosopher of modern times? If his mother had not purchased a second-hand piano, would George Gershwin have come to write the songs of a nation? All these are melodramatic ifs that shaped not only great careers but also, in many cases, the history of the world. … In this calendar of heroes and heroines, you will find melodrama, ambition, power, courage, love… Turn these pages and skip through time…”.

Important publication about sixty majestic figures among the Jewish people from Moses to Einstein – a description of the highlights in the lives of the most influential figures of the Jewish people accompanied by a portrait of each of them – a significant part of the people dealt with in the book was written in the lifetimes of the figures. Among the personalities appearing: Baruch Spinoza, Moses Mendelssohn, the boxer Daniel Mendoza, Moses Montefiore, Karl Marx, Baron Maurice de Hirsch, Theodor Herzl, Alfred Dreyfus, Sigmund Freud, Chaim Weizmann, Albert Einstein, Nathan Straus, and many others. The author managed to summarize in just one page for each of the figures, a concise and accurate description of his work and achievements and contribution to Israel and humanity in a clear and concise language, and to review the personalities by connecting the highlights of their lives into one overall picture.
For example, about Albert Einstein, he describes the introverted and shy child who tends to solitude who one day encounters a compass, the oscillating needle aroused great wonder in him, in school he was an indifferent student but showed amazing genius in mathematics and goes on to describe how he arrived at his groundbreaking global achievements in the field of physics. In the same way, the author managed to distill the character of Theodor Herzl: “Twenty-year-old Theodor Herzl was an acclaimed playwright and journalist in Vienna. He was in Paris as a correspondent for his newspaper, when the Dreyfus affair burst upon the world. Seeing the hatred of his people even on the part of a civilized country like France, he became appalled because of the well-being of the Jews scattered among the nations of the world. From that day on, his goal was the emancipation of the Jews as a people. He wrote his book called “The Jewish State” to express the need for a Jewish homeland…”. He also summarizes the Dreyfus Affair in just one page, while actually including all the important details of the Affair, as he also does with the other personalities.

127 p. 26 cm. Hard cover with illustrated dust jacket with the figures of Moses and Einstein. Minor tears to dust jacket. Body of the book in very good condition.

Opening price: $200
Sold: $220

16. Original advertisement poster for a book about Albert Einstein, Shoken Publishing 1989

Original advertisement poster for the biographical book about Albert Einstein by Kenji Sugimoto, Shoken Publishing 1989. Rare to find this poster.

In the upper part, a large photograph of Einstein, in the lower part, small photographs of Einstein the man and the scientist in different scenes of his life.

Size: 75×51 cm. Slight tear with a flaw in the upper part. Good- very good condition.

Opening price: $150

17. ""flag day" pin - Star of David Zion garment badge - World War I

A pin badge in the shape of the Israeli flag, on one side a Star of David and the inscription “Zion” in Hebrew and English, on the other side a Star of David and the roaring “Arieh Yehuda” (Lion of Judah) symbol that Herzl proposed for the Israeli flag. Europe, [1914].

World War I charity Flag Day pin badges were sold during the Great War to raise money for a variety of causes; Mainly support for the fighting forces on the various fronts, support for the war effort, support for wounded soldiers, widows and more. The distribution of the flag was initiated by the founder of the First World War flag movement, Mrs. Morrison. Raising money through the sale of “penny flags” helped benefit the British soldiers in the war against Germany.

Size: 4×3 cm. Very good condition.

Opening price: $150
Sold: $220

18. "Long live the Hebrew state!" - Special issue of "Our Voice" for the establishment of the State of Israel and the beginning of the New Year

“Unzer Shtime” – “Our Voice” – The publication of Galician emigrants in New York. A special issue of the monthly that was published in the month of Tishrei at the beginning of the new year, heralding the opening of the new era with the establishment of the State of Israel – October 1948 – On the title page appears the title “Long Live the Hebrew State!” in three languages – Yiddish, Hebrew and English. And a cantor blowing the shofar. The issue contains elaborate articles on the historical significance of the revival of the State of Israel at the beginning of the new year in Yiddish and English.

At the beginning of the issue, gratitude to G-d “for saving us from the yoke of exile and for returning us to our ancient land” according to the vision of the prophets. And a long article by Z. M. Kershtein on the miracle of the establishment of the State of Israel, the global significance of the Declaration of Independence, the struggle of the Jewish people for its independence which reached its goal with the Declaration of Independence, and the historical significance of the Declaration of Independence. There are also articles by various writers dealing with the young Hebrew state, the harrowing story of the survivors of the Galician Holocaust, and more. Among other things, there is a photograph of the first Knesset members and Ben-Gurion under the title: “State of Israel Cabinet”, and consecutive pages filled with countless Shana Tova greetings in decorated frames from community members. All the pages headlines in which the Shana Tova greetings appear are decorated with one of the Shana Tova greetings, with a different greeting on each page such as: “Shnat Geula VeYeshua”, “Shnat Geula Ameinu VeArtzeinu”, “Shnat Ktiva VeChatima Tova”, “B’Sefer Chaim Tichatevu”, “Shnat Chaim Beracha VeHatzlacha”, “Shnat Pedut Am Israel”, “Katvenu LeAltar LeChaim”, and so on.

73, 72, p. 31 cm. Printed in blue ink on thick quality paper. Minor stains on the title page. Minor tears on the spine. Good condition.

Opening price: $150
Sold: $220

19. Photograph of the flag-raising ceremony during the ceasefire events in the Land of Israel. June 9, 1948

Photograph of a flag raising ceremony in an “Israeli camp” during the Independence and ceasefire events in Eretz Israel. June 9, 1948. Dated and described on the back by the Belga photography agency.

On this date, June 9, 1948, Count Bernadotte proposed to the Jews and Arabs to stop the fighting. On the same day, the Provisional Government issued the “Occupied Area Ordinance” – the historic order determined for the first time that any area occupied by the IDF is declared a “occupied area” and all occupation regulations apply to it.

18×13 cm. Very good condition.

Opening price: $120
Sold: $280

20. Today like before - six photographs documenting Israel's struggle with the Gaza Strip, from 1957-1973

Six large photographs documenting the conquest of the Gaza Strip and its abandonment time and again by the Israeli army. Israel, 1956-1973. (Five press photographs, and one wire photo). Described on the back and stamped on the back with ink stamps of the photography agencies.

The photographs and descriptions on their backs:

Gaza Strip – Israeli soldiers celebrating on a seized truck – the first booty in their clash with Egyptian soldiers in the Gaza Strip. On November 2, Israel announced the capture of almost the entire Sinai Peninsula, including more than 200,000 Palestinian refugees. November 21, 1956. After the surrender of Gaza in Operation Kadesh three weeks earlier. Size: 22×18 cm.

UN guard force soldiers stand guard at a post in the Gaza Strip. November 28, 1960 – IDF forces withdrew from the city during the withdrawal from Sinai in early 1957 (after it was occupied by the IDF in Operation Kadesh). Size: 21×20 cm.

March 13, 1957 – Israeli Ambassador to Washington Abba Eban cut short his visit to Florida in order to return to Washington due to the critical situation in Gaza. At the Washington airport, he told reporters that Israel will make efforts to defend itself against the Egyptian commandos. 21×20 cm.

Press photograph from December 8, 1971 – Bedouins building the separation fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Described on the back: Workers on the “Green Line” – Gaza Strip: Standing on everything they could get their hands on, including oddly shaped crates and empty cans. Bedouin work on the new security fence being erected along the former “Green Line” border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, during a recent work day”, after Gaza was conquered a second time in the Six Day War and terror cells began to form, the fence in the photograph before us was built. Size: 21×20 cm.

Israeli tour in Gaza – Heavily armed Israeli soldiers patrol the main street of Israeli-occupied Gaza on Friday as the Middle East conflict continues. The 35-mile strategic Gaza Strip into Israel was obtained from Egypt in the 1967 war – AP Wire photo Tel Aviv, 1973. Under the leadership of Ariel Sharon as commander of Southern Command, the IDF operated extensively to eradicate terrorism in the Gaza Strip. Size: 25×18 cm.

October 28, 1968 – “Held for questioning” – Arab detainees behind wire yesterday in the Gaza Strip as they await interrogation by the Israelis. A curfew was imposed in the area due to the continuation of anti-Israeli demonstrations. (AP Wirephoto by radio from Gaza) 1968. Size 25×21 cm.

Overall good condition.

Opening price: $150
Sold: $160

21. Letters from a girl in Kibbutz Degania Alef to her friend at the work camp of the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem. March 1943.

Three letters from a girl in Kibbutz Degania Alef to her friend at the work camp of the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem. March 1943.

Atmosphere and social life letters from a girl named Dina to her friend Tamar Wildman dealing with the social life of two young pioneer women.

Degania Alef was founded in 1910 on part of an area of ​​about 3,000 dunams from the lands of the village of Umm Juni purchased by JNF east of the Jordan River in 1904. On June 4, 1912, the group moved from Umm Juni to the permanent point Bab-altum – the gate of the river, the outlet of the Jordan from the Sea of Galilee. During the 1936-1939 riots, Degania served as a base for the field companies, and in the years before the War of Independence – a base for the Palmach.

Three letters. Original envelope (partially torn). Good condition.

Opening price: $120
Sold: $120

22. 65 Great Britain's Red Penny stamps

65 signed Red Penny stamps. Perforated versions.
The Red Penny stamp was issued by Britain and first appeared on February 10, 1841. It was designed similarly to its predecessor – the Black Penny (which is known to be the first official postage stamp issued by the United Kingdom) which includes a profile of Queen Victoria based on an engraving by William Wyon. The reason for the change in color was the problem of the postmark on the Black Penny which was not visible due to its dark color. The Red Penny was in circulation for a long period, from 1841 to 1879. Due to the large number of plates from which the stamp was printed, there is a wide variety of minor differences between the stamps.

Attached to two pages with water damage on the right side of the pages.

Opening price: $120

23. Four official Ottoman documents - the construction of the Hejaz Railway. Early 20th century.

Four Ottoman official documents dealing with the establishment of the Hejaz Railway. Istanbul and other places, early 20th century.

The railway line was established by the Ottoman Empire between 1900 and 1908, with the aim of connecting the more distant provinces in its territory. The line ran between Damascus and the Hejaz province of the Arabian Peninsula, where the cities of Mecca and Medina are located. The laying of the line began in 1900 at the behest of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Abdul Hamid II and in consultation with German experts. The cost of establishing the line was about 16 million dollars donated by the Turkish Sultan and the rulers of Egypt and Iran. The line was inaugurated on September 1, 1908, marking the day of the coronation of the Sultan.

All the documents bear stamps of the Empire, signatures of the parties, and seals. Very good condition.

Opening price: $250
Sold: $950

24. Eretz Israel Calendar Collection - Special Collection of JNF calendars, and more

Eleven Eretz Israel Calendars. Special collection of JNF-Calendars, and more. Years: 1925-1954.

1-7. Eight JNF Calendars “Luach Yerushalayim” (Jerusalem Calendar). Years: 1924-1925 (two different calendars), 51925-1926, 1926-1927, 1927-1928, 1942-1943, 1954-1955. Illustrated title pages, the calendars accompanied by photographs of pioneers building the land in Hebrew settlements, a map of Eretz Israel, yearbooks on JNF’s activities, advertisements, diagrams, and more.

8. Children’s calendar for 1953-1954. Hebrew-English calendar with illustrations and a color map of Eretz Israel.

9-10. Two “HaChaver” calendars for the years 1925-1926, 1928-1929. Informative calendars full of tables, illustrations, photographs, and data, published by “Shachar”, Jerusalem.

11. “HaAretz” calendar for the year 1943-1944. The calendar is full of data, poems, photographs, advertisements for Eretz Israeli production companies, and more.

Various sizes. Complete calendars. All calendars have new, nice covers (except for the “HaChaver” calendar). Embossed decorations. Good – very good condition.

Opening price: $150