Attributed copies, signatures, glosses

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313. 'Orchot Yosher' with a Dedication by Rebbetzin Bat Sheva Kanievsky

Opening price: $80

Sold: $80

239. Mevoh She'arim, Jerusalem [1904] - Dedication of the Kabbalist Rabbi Ben-Zion Mordechai Hazan / piece of paper handwritten of the Ben Ish Chai

Opening price: $150

Sold: $183

240. Davar Beyito, Livorno 1862-1864, First Edition - Copy of Rabbi Eliyahu Barakel, Glosses of Rabbi David Zalah

Opening price: $150

Sold: $150

241. Etz Hayim by Rabbi Chaim Vital - Dozens of Glosses from the Mekubal the Genius Rabbi Shaul David Chai Mualem

Opening price: $150

Sold: $150

242. emet leyahkov' livorno 1843 - Glosses

Opening price: $80

Sold: $80

243. Daat Utvuna, Jerusalem 1911, only edition - Glosses

Opening price: $80


244. Birkey Yosef - Livorno, 1776 - First Edition Printed in Author's Life - Glosses

Opening price: $150


245. Apiryon. Swalive 1913. Copy of Rebbe Avraham Brandwin of Stretin

Opening price: $80


246. Orahat Shaha, Thessaloniki 1818, first edition - glosses

Opening price: $120

Sold: $200

247. 'Hok leisrael' - Glosses and Signatures of Rabbi yedidya Monsoonigo, and Rabbis of the Monsoonigo Family

Opening price: $120


248. Chidushim Ubiurim - copy with dedication of author the Genius Rabbi Chaim Grainiman

Opening price: $80

Sold: $80

236. Shaar Mamrey HaRashbi and Mamrey Chazal, Jerusalem, 1898 - Glosses

Opening price: $100


237. Dozens of handwritten glosses by the Mekubal Rabbi Yehuda Ptaya that never printed as a book. on 'emet leyahkov' livorno 1843

Opening price: $1,200

Sold: $1,900

238. Sidur hayim VeShalom. Jerusalem, 1907 - Handwritten Glosses by Rabbi Yehuda Ptaya [?]

Opening price: $400

Sold: $400

256. pri hez hayim. Koritz, 1782 - Glosses

Opening price: $80

Sold: $140

257. Responsa Yismach Lev - Izmir, 1868 - Only edition - Author's dedication and glosses

Opening price: $150


245. Shemen Rokach, Nawi Dwar [1788] First edition, signatures of the Padua rabbis

Opening price: $80

Sold: $190

246. Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer - Johannesburg, 1857-1861 - Copy of Rabbi Meir Shapira of Lublin - Signatures and Glosses by Rabbi Israel Parnes

Opening price: $200

Sold: $300

247. Tikuney HaZohar with hundreds of glosses by Kabbalist Rabbi Yeshayahu Asher Zelig Margaliot

Opening price: $200

Sold: $1,100

248. Ohav Yisrael - Important Dedication by Rabbi Moshe Halberstam to Rabbi Shlomo Elazar Margaliot

Opening price: $100

Sold: $100

249. Meorot Natan, Warsaw 1867 - Kabbalistic glosses

Opening price: $150

Sold: $300

250. Lachmi Toda, Offenbach 1816. First edition. The copy of the Admor Rabbi Chaim Meir Hagar of Vishnitz

Opening price: $100


251. Pri Megadim. Lemberg 1828 - The copy of Rabbi Shlomo Ze'ev Klein, Av Beit Din of Kalahmar

Opening price: $80

Sold: $80

252. Yesodey HaDa'at First edition, with dedication by the author, the Mashgiach Rabbi Moshe Rosenstein

Opening price: $120
