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208. My Paris - Ilya Ehrenburg - Moscow, 1933 - El Lissitzky

Opening price: $400

209. Shlomo Yudovin's woodcuts - set. Petersburg, 1928 - perfect condition

Opening price: $450

Sold: $450

210. Seven books by Ilya Ehrenburg - Avantgarde covers

Opening price: $300

211. Sergei Chekhonin - Abram Efros and Nikolay Punin - Moscow 1924 - First edition

Opening price: $500

212. Four books by Ilya Ehrenburg - Moscow-Leningrad, 1928 - covers designed by Nathan Altman

Opening price: $250

185. Works of art - cover designed by El Lissitzky

Opening price: $120

Sold: $120

186. Sergei Chekhonin - Abram Efros and Nikolay Punin - Moscow 1924 - First edition

Opening price: $500


187. S. Chekhonin - Abram Efros and Nikolay Punin - Moscow 1924 - English edition

Opening price: $120

Sold: $120

188. Two early books with illustrations by Nathan Altman

Opening price: $250


189. Article by Maxim Gorky - cover design by Altman

Opening price: $120


190. L’Elephant - An early children's book with illustrations by Nathan Altman - first edition

Opening price: $200


181. URSS en construction - A booklet of photographs designed by El LissItzky and his wife

Opening price: $300


182. СССР на стройке - Soviet Union under construction - Two sheets designed by El LissItzky

Opening price: $200


183. "1919", by Leib Kvitko – Berlin, 1923 – Cover Design by Joseph Tchaikov

Opening price: $200


184. Poem October - Mayakovsky - cover designed by Lissitzki - Moscow, 1928

Opening price: $400


175. "mine Paris" - Ilya Arenburg - Moscow, 1933 - El Lissitzky

Opening price: $400

Sold: $400

176. Roita Blitan [Red Leaves] - David Hapstein - Poems. Copy signed by the author

Opening price: $200


177. Portrait of Nathan Altman - early publication of the artist's works

Opening price: $120


178. Letters not about love - a cover designed by Helikon

Opening price: $200

Sold: $200

179. Iambs - Alexander Blo, St. Petersburg 1919

Opening price: $300
