Kabbalah and Chasidut books

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270. "Whoever Purchases this Book, will Draw Upon Himself Blessings, Success and Longevity" - Be'er Avraham (Drohobych) – Lviv, 1868 – First, Rare Edition

Opening price: $300

Sold: $300

271. Lechem Shmenah / Or Yesha - First Editions - A books of virtue

Opening price: $800


272. Ravid Hazhav - Chasidut. Lemberg 1869

Opening price: $100

Sold: $140

273. Derech Hayim. Yas, 1859 - chabad

Opening price: $120

Sold: $280

274. Temim De'im by the Ravad - With the approvals of gdoley Hachasidut

Opening price: $100


275. Siddur HaGra BeNigleh UbeNistar – Jerusalem, 1895-1898

Opening price: $100


276. Collection of Kabbalah and Chassidut books

Opening price: $100


277. Divrei Chaim - Sanz. Krakow 1892 - Second Edition

Opening price: $100


278. Sidur Nehora Ma'aliya Padgurze 1908

Opening price: $100


269. 'Or HaCHama' - the edition printed by the Rabbi of Shinawa

Opening price: $100

Sold: $100