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A Collection of American Magazines on Popular Science Published by Ziff-Davis Publishing Company

Opening price: $150

Sold: $150
12.24.2024 07:00pm

11 Issues of Science and Technology Magazines Published by Ziff-Davis. New York, Late 1960s and Early 1970s.

Popular Electronics, published by Ziff-Davis, New York and Chicago – eight issues: August 1966, March 1970, November 1969, August 1969, September 1971, April 1969, July 1973.

Electronic Experimenter’s, published by Ziff-Davis – three issues: Summer 1969, Winter 1970, March 1970.

Popular Electronics was an iconic American magazine first published in October 1954 by Ziff-Davis, running continuously until 1982, when it merged with Electronics World. It was one of the leading technology publications of the 1960s and 1970s, during a time when home and hobbyist electronics were rapidly developing. The magazine served as a major platform for electronics enthusiasts, engineers, students, and consumers interested in building, repairing, and learning about new electronic devices and technologies. The magazine covered a wide variety of topics, including: Step-by-step guides for building home electronic devices. New technologies in electronics. Technical tutorials, diagrams, and groundbreaking circuit designs. Reviews of new products, including radios, televisions, computers, and accessories. Popular Electronics also featured do-it-yourself projects, such as stereo systems, radio transmitters, televisions, and simple robots. It became a significant source of inspiration for self-learning among young people aspiring to understand electronics. Many of its readers went on to build world-changing careers in the technology industry. The magazine was user-friendly, even for readers without technical education, and included detailed illustrations, clear instructions, and guidelines to make advanced technology accessible to everyone without the need for expensive equipment.

One of the magazine’s most significant influences was its introduction of personal computers to electronics enthusiasts. In its January 1975 issue, the magazine featured the Altair 8800, considered one of the first personal computers in history. This exposure inspired the development of personal computers, leading to the rise of companies such as Apple and Microsoft.

Complete issues. Very good condition.

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202. A Collection of American Magazines on Popular Science Published by Ziff-Davis Publishing Company