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A collection of postcards – the Jews of Macedonia. Early 20th century

Opening price: $300

Commission: 22%

Sold: $460
07.03.2022 07:00pm

An interesting and rare collection of 24 Real Photo postcards of the Jews of Macedonia (Southeastern Europe), early 20th century. The Postcards are divided back, no name of the publisher (probably a local publishing in Macedonia).

The postcards show Jews on Market Day, group photographs of families, poor groups in rags, Jews in handicrafts, adults, and more.

Macedonian Jewry is one of the oldest in Europe – the first Jewish settlers came to Macedonia as early as the 3rd and 4th centuries. During the Ottoman rule, the number of Jews in the country increased and Jews began to emigrate from all over the empire to Macedonia. The city of Bitola (according to the Jews – Monastir) became an important Jewish center and was visited by Jews from Spain, Portugal and Albania. At the beginning of the 20th century, many Jews emigrated from Macedonia, mainly from the city of Monastir (which was later renamed), to Chile and the United States. To this day there is a large community of Macedonian Jews in Chile. After the First World War, with the unification of the states of Yugoslavia, there were about 7,000 Jews in Macedonia, most of whom were Ladino-speaking Spaniards and a minority were Ashkenazi, but most of them were exterminated in the Holocaust and today there are only about 250 Jews in northern Macedonia.

Same size: 9×14 cm. Very good condition.

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74. A collection of postcards - the Jews of Macedonia. Early 20th century