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A memorial book for Israeli writers living with us today – an interesting dedication by Meir Magargot

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $120
09.14.2022 07:00pm

A memorial book for the writers of Israel living with us today, edited by Nachum Sokolov and Israel Chaim Zagorodsky, edited by the Asif Library, Warsaw 1888 (two title pages) – A long and interesting dedication [cut off at the end of the lines] in the handwriting and signature of Meir Magargot to his friend Aryeh Liv Halevi Horowitz.

Magargot was a teacher at the Jaffa Boys’ School in 1899, one of the first teachers in the Land of Israel who taught “Hebrew in Hebrew”.

The book in itself is important and rare, about the history of gdoley Israel in the 19th century.

208 p. 22 cm. The first title page is detached. Brown paper. Old cardboard cover. Good condition.

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160. A memorial book for Israeli writers living with us today - an interesting dedication by Meir Magargot