Hofmann cs. es kir altabornagy hadtestje. Izraelita kuldottseg bjelik tabori puspoknel. A rare postcard published by the “Army Aid Ministry”, showing a special scene of Inserting of a Torah scroll procession in the street of a city with the participation of Jews and non-Jews. On the right, a Jew holding a Torah scroll stands at the front of the canopy, with accompanying Jews beside him. Non-Jews stand opposite and watch the procession. According to the printed description, the person standing facing the Torah is a bishop. Russian soldiers are seen on the right. Hungary, early 20th century. rare.
We did not find this postcard in the postcard literature from the beginning of the 20th century. The exact place and content of the event is not clear to us.
From the Willy Lindwer collection.
9×14 cm. Very good condition.