Servir – An Important Publication by the Belgian Resistance during the Nazi Invasion of Belgium, Mid-1940. The pamphlet calls upon the Belgian people to awaken from their state of neutrality, which they had maintained since the outbreak of World War II, and to engage in a resistance war to save Belgium and restore its honor. [Belgium, May-June 1940]. French. Rare.
The author outlines what they describe as the “characteristics of the current war, ” explaining and emphasizing the moral duty of Belgians towards themselves. The pamphlet calls for unity within the Belgian army and sets out a domestic and foreign policy stance against the Nazi occupiers. Throughout the publication, the author encourages the Belgian people to awaken from their slumber, arguing that the neutral stance adopted since the start of the war was fundamentally flawed. Assert that as more Belgians openly join the fight, they will inspire others to do the same, justifying the sacrifices made by those who died in vain.
During World War II, Belgium maintained neutrality until the Nazi invasion as part of the campaign in France and the Low Countries, which lasted 18 days until King Leopold III surrendered without prior consultation, leading to a political crisis after the war. However, many Belgians managed to escape to Britain, establishing a government and army in exile that fought alongside the Allies. The Belgian Resistance operated throughout the war from within Belgium. From the surrender until September 1944, Belgium was under German occupation, during which approximately 25,000 Belgian Jews were murdered, some with local assistance.
Extremely rare, not listed in the WorldCat global library catalog or in other bibliographic records.
32 pages. 13 cm. Very good condition.