PROGRAMMA van de Kerkelijke Herdenking van de erkenning van Amsterdam als Stad in het jaar A.M. 5035 (1275 gew. jaartelling) in de Synagogen der Ned. Israel. Hoofdsyna goge te Amsterdam OP SABBATH 23 ELOEL 5685 12 SEPTEMBER 1925 – “The Commemoration Program for the Recognition of Amsterdam as a City in the Year 5035 (1275) in the Synagogues of the Netherlands. Israel. The Main Synagogue in Amsterdam, Shabbat, 23 Elul 5695 (September 12, 1925) – A Special Prayer Service for the 650th Anniversary of the Founding of Amsterdam, the Dutch City in 1275, with a special prayer composed specifically for the occasion. Dutch and Hebrew. Rare.
[4] pages. Minor tears at the top edge. Good condition.