Advertisement poster for the show in Yiddish:”האט א איד א לענדעלע” Starring the famous Yiddish comedian Szymon Dżigan.
Shimon Dzigan [1905-1980] Yiddish theater actor, singer and comedian. Born to a traditional family in the city of Lodz, in Poland. Was one of the young actors in the Klein Kunst Theater founded by Moshe Broderzon in Poland after the First World War. In 1931 the theater moved to Warsaw. With the occupation of Poland by the Nazis in 1939, he fled to the Soviet Union and continued its performances. When he tried to join the exiled Polish army, the Anders army, he was accused of being a deserter of the Red Army and put in a labor camp. In 1946 he was pardoned and returned to perform in Moscow. In 1950 he immigrated to Israel, continued to perform and had great success, but due to restrictions imposed by the state on performances in the Yiddish language, he had to leave for Argentina. In the 1960s, Dzigan established a chamber theater on Mandi Street in Tel Aviv, where he staged the show “Don’t Persist with Your Tongue”, followed by other shows.
56×35 cm. Slight cracks in the lower part of the poster. Good condition.