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An Important Letter from Rabbi Aryeh Levin to the Naor Family on the Eve of the New Year – Jerusalem, 1955

Opening price: $200

Sold: $300
12.24.2024 07:00pm

A Letter in the Handwriting and Signature of Rabbi Aryeh Levin to Yehuda Naor and His Wife, Knesset Member Esther Raziel Naor, on the Eve of the New Year: “Thursday, Sixth Day of Teshuva, שנת בטחון הגבולות יציב ומלא ל”ק” (1955), ” Jerusalem, with an Additional Personal Note to Esther Requesting Assistance from Menachem Begin on a Confidential Matter.

In his letter, Rabbi Aryeh Levin sends his blessings to Yehuda Naor, his wife, and his father Mordechai Naor, “the dear and most upright grandfather, ” blessing them with a good final sealing and extending special blessings to their son Yair on his Bar Mitzvah: “I have no words with which my pen can express the deep feelings of my heart.” On the reverse side of the letter, Rabbi Aryeh adds a personal note to Knesset Member Esther Raziel Naor, written in regular script (as opposed to the square script of the blessing), regarding “a matter of utmost importance to the essence of our souls and the survival of our nation, ” asking her to approach Menachem Begin “whose heart also aches over this, ” without specifying the nature of the critical issue.

[2] pages. Both written and signed by Rabbi Aryeh Levin, with an additional signature on the envelope in which the letter was sent. Very good condition.

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216. An Important Letter from Rabbi Aryeh Levin to the Naor Family on the Eve of the New Year – Jerusalem, 1955