Letter in the handwriting and signature of the Gaon HaTzaddik Rabbi Shimshon Aharon Plonsky – the ‘Teflikar Rabbi’ to Rabbi Tikochinsky, Jerusalem 1934.
In his letter, the genius addresses Rabbi Tykoczynski regarding a list of students who are destined to be accepted to study at his ‘Etz Chaim’ yeshiva, he states that the list of students was approved by the Tzaddik Rabbi Aryeh Levin (Who served in those days as the ‘Mashgiach’ of Etz Chayim Yeshiva), and wants to remind him to keep his promise to accept them into his institutions.
The Gaon Rabbi Shimshon Aharon Polonsky [1876-1948], the ‘Teplikar Rabbi’ – Av Beit Din of Teplik. One of the greatest teachers and geniuses of the generation. It is written on his tombstone that he was of the race of Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev and Rabbi Nahum of Chernobyl. He served as rabbi of the Beit Israel neighborhood in Jerusalem and as head of the “Yeshivat Rabbeinu Chaim Yosef”, which he founded in 1942. The yeshiva taught dozens of disciples in the program who will be trained as “Morey Hora’ah”, And many of the rabbis of Jerusalem and the next generation rabbis also learn in his teaching in Jerusalem, including Rabbi David Jungreiz, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wazner, Rabbi Israel Yaakov Fischer, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv and Rabbi Binyamin Mendelssohn. In his last years, the words of his teachings were collected in the book ‘Divrei Aharon’
[1] leaf. Official stationery. 27 cm. Folding mark. Good condition. With the original envelope in which the letter was sent.