Schwarz-Rot-Goldne Zeit. Humoristisch-satirische Zeit-Bilder und Reime – “Black-Red-Golden Time. Humorous-satirical Time-Pictures and Rhymes” by Otto Palmer, published by Herbert Ferber Verlag. Stuttgart (early 1920s). A booklet of antisemitic cartoons blames Jews for Germany’s defeat in World War I and the “Versailles disaster” (Germany’s surrender at the end of the war), as well as all subsequent economic and cultural woes in Germany. It calls for Germany to rid itself of Jews and return to its former greatness. From propaganda publications that contributed to the rise of antisemitic sentiment, leading to the Nazi Party’s ascent in the 1920s and its seizure of power in the early 1930s.
Caricature booklet written in colloquial language, In the form of a dialogue consisting of long sections between several role -players portraying the “The poor and oppressed German, stripped of his national and cultural possessions after the Versailles Treaty, perished from hunger and declined into destitution while others – blaming the defeat of Germany – the Eastern Jew lives in splendor at the expense of the downtrodden German”.
The author attempts to awaken German pride by blaming Jews for all that is wrong in Germany:
“As an honest German man, I can no longer remain silent… How could it be that a defeated army relinquishes its best weapons based on trust and faith, What kind of secret forces caused this?… In Munich (derogatory nickname for a Jew)
Isner from the known race works hard to prove that Germany is guilty of the war… Soon the Jew will receive his reward for this… They are locusts devouring us naked… When Germany sleeps, Juda is awake… who controls the Russian country? The Russian! No! The Jew! His money is the funder and nothing can be done, the money and Juda are still in control…”.
(Alongside this passage is an antisemitic illustration depicting Jews with sidelocks and beards resembling locusts flooding the land, with the background featuring a Star of David).
Throughout the booklet, in both witty and sometimes antiphrasis language, this message is reiterated in every “dialogue” presented. One section accuses Jews of controlling the German press:
“A weekly magazine full of nonsense – true Jewish genius! In the Viennese social newspaper Mauschein, thirty-six Jewish writers!… The German entity, you undermine your homeland!…”.
Another section makes a double use of the words “Chametz” and “Matzah” as an analogy for the “Nation of Slaves”:
“Chametz can be found in every country on Earth, don’t you see everywhere the Chametz of Canaan? International Matzah baked with the nations of the world, will ultimately result in the world state belonging to the nation of slaves” , accompanied by a drawing of a Jew in the guise of Satan embracing the globe.
The last sections of the booklet express Germany’s hope despite the Versailles disaster, urging Germans to awaken:
“The Versailles theft agreement is still just a piece of paper, a document of shame that the villain took from us… A day will come when Germany will be great and strong again… German, awaken! Awaken!… If you truly love your homeland, do not relinquish your sword, otherwise your land will turn to misery, and you will become a slave!”.
From the publications that paved the way for the rise of the Nazi party to power by blaming Jews for all of Germany’s disasters, and marking the solution in the form of strengthening the Nazi party, which aimed to restore Germany to its former greatness and settle scores with the Jews.
Extremely Rare. This edition which was published without a date, only one copy in the world cat global library catalog, listed in the New York Public Library
(later editions with the year 1927 are known, appearing in only three copies in the world cat catalog).
[42] p. 24 cm. Very good condition.