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Antisemitic proclamation promising ‘peace’ to Russian soldiers convinced – ‘Jew collapses Russia’

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

07.03.2022 07:00pm

A two-sided antisemitic proclamation directed to Russia by the Nazi propaganda ministry and placing the Jews as the common enemy of the Germans and the Russians – the Jew with the long nose crushes Russia. The 1940s.

A Jew is seen crushing with forceps the Russian kneeling under him. On the back is a caption calling Russian soldiers to come and surrender, and promises that nothing bad will happen to Russian soldiers who join the German ranks. A proclamation of this kind was intended to position the Jew as the common enemy of the Germans and the Russians, and to make the Russians turn their arrows towards the Jews and not to fear the real enemy – Nazi Germany. The kind of leaflets thrown from German planes during the war.

Size: 21×15 cm. Stains. Good condition.

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34. Antisemitic proclamation promising 'peace' to Russian soldiers convinced - 'Jew collapses Russia'