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Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp – photos, maps, charts

Opening price: $250

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Sold: $300
12.02.2023 07:00pm

Obóz koncentracyjny Oświęcim-Brzezinka (Auschwitz-Birkenau) – Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp edited by Dr. Jan Sehn – Main Commission for the Investigation of Hitlerite Crimes in Poland – by initiative of the Polish government, published by Prawnicze, Warsaw 1956 – First Edition. Testimonies, photographs, maps, diagrams revealed by the Supreme National Tribunal in Poland, the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, and the American Military Tribunals in Nuremberg. Polish. Dr. Sehn’s important report was translated into several languages including English, French, German and Russian. Before us is the first Polish edition – rare – a single copy listed in the world cat library catalog.

A detailed report presented by Dr. Jan Sehn who was in Auschwitz in the first days after liberation in January 1945 and investigated what occurred in the camp over more than a year. He established special commissions that examined the entire camp area that year, experts studied the ruins of the crematoria and gas chambers which were destroyed before the camp’s evacuation and the pits where victim bodies were burned, took testimonies from former Auschwitz prisoners and examined countless Nazi documents from the war seized by the Allies.

In this report, Sehn exposes the horrors committed by the Nazis in Auschwitz from the initial planning by Gestapo chiefs, the first weeks when the camp was built by Jews forced into labor, population removal near the camp, detailed descriptions of camp structure and operations, detailed descriptions of transports to Auschwitz from the first transport – including prisoner testimonies who were on the transports themselves, the process prisoners underwent upon arrival until they were led to their deaths in the gas chambers, how the gas chambers operated and the great efforts made by the Nazis to improve gas activity, torture methods used by the Nazis including medical experiments on prisoners, documentation of inhuman living conditions, and more.
At the end is a transcript of the death sentence passed on Auschwitz commander Rudolf Franz Höss by the International Military Tribunal in Warsaw on April 2, 1947.

The book is accompanied by 42 photographic plates of Auschwitz, maps and diagrams. Including an aerial view map of the camp, a panoramic photo (opens to 55 cm) of camp barracks, diagrams of the camp made by the Nazis, photos of wooden bunks prisoners slept packed in horrifying density, Himmler and men visiting the camp, photos of children and youth in devastating physical state, prisoners in forced labor – Nazi documents exposing their crimes in the camp – among them the document in which Clauberg reports to Himmler that using the method he developed in the Auschwitz experiment it would be possible to castrate several hundred or even several thousand people in one day (the document was first exposed during the Nuremberg Trials), the rare photograph showing prisoners on their way to the gas chambers to death – secretly taken by prisoner David Shmolevsky, a member of the resistance movement, and more.

Extremely rare. only one copy listed in the world cat library catalog.

133 [4] pages + 42 plates. Spine reinforced with adhesive paper. light stains. Good condition.

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137. Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp - photos, maps, charts