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Chumash Bereshit – Vienna 1859 – Owner Stamps of Rabbi Alexander Ziskind HaCohen Lifshitz Av Beit Din of Azarkov, and of the Rebbe of Bohush

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

07.03.2022 07:00pm

Chumash Bereshit Mikraot Gdolot, Vienna 1859, printed by Rabbi Shlomo Netter. Attributed copy – on the title page owner stamp of Rabbi Alexander Ziskind HaCohen Lifshitz Av Beit Din of Azarkov (Ozorków), And on the first and last page are the owner’s stamps of Rabbi Yitzchak Friedman the Rebbe of Bohush.

The Gaon Rabbi Alexander Ziskind HaCohen Lifshitz [born in 1847] a grandson of Rabbi Pinchas HaCohen, rabbi of Piantka, and from 1851 was the rabbi of Ozorkov – (a city of sages and writers), until 1913. (Otzar HaRabbanim 2818)

The Rebbe of Bohush-Shpikov, Rabbi Yitzchak Friedman [1903-1992], the fourth in the Bohush dynasty who was crowned to replace his father when he was a single. In the year of 1930 he moved to Bucharest where he served as Admor to the Hasidim who lived there. During World War II, when many Jews fled to Bucharest, he opened his house to the public, and risked his life. In 1943, his father-in-law died, and the Bohush chasidim followers around him. In eyar 1951, he immigrated to Eretz Israel with his wife and daughter and settled in Tel Aviv as the other Rebbe’s of ruzin and opened a synagogue on Rothschild Boulevard. Of the most revered figures among Romanian Jews.

Reinforcements with paper adhesives at the margins of the first three pages. Stains. Good condition.

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177. Chumash Bereshit - Vienna 1859 - Owner Stamps of Rabbi Alexander Ziskind HaCohen Lifshitz Av Beit Din of Azarkov, and of the Rebbe of Bohush