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Collection of photographs and certificates of the members of the Bielski and Yezerski families before they immigrated to Eretz Israel

Opening price: $150

Commission: 23%

09.04.2023 07:00pm

Collection of photos and personal documents of the Bieleski and Yezerski families – Lodz, Bialystok, Berlin and various cities in Russia.

28 photos of the Bieleski and Yezerski families – Lodz, Bialystok and various cities in Russia. Large Studio photos, cabinet photos mounted on original photographer cardboard, and private family photos. Taken while the family was in Europe in the early 20th century up to the 1930s, before immigrating to Eretz Israel. Many of the photos have dedications written on the back in Yiddish, Hebrew and Russian. Photos in different sizes: 12×17 cm. 30×21 cm. 9×14 cm. and some smaller. Overall Good Condition.

15 personal documents of the Jewish student in Berlin, Rivka Yezerski. Yezerski, born in Grodno, studied in Germany foreign languages, mainly German and Philosophy before immigrating to EretzIsrael. The documents are from the 1910s and 1920s.

Among the documents:

Certificate of completion of semester at Frederick William University, Berlin 1913.

Membership certificate at Frederick William University, Berlin 1912.

Summary certificate upon leaving Frederick William University after completing Philosophy studies 1922.

Certificate of good conduct from Grodno municipality for presentation at the Belgian consulate in Warsaw, October 1926.

Certificate of German language studies, May 1922.

Certificate of excellence upon graduation from Berlin University.

Enrollment certificate for the Commercial School in Liege, Belgium.

Handwritten letter by Yezerski about language studies.

Additional documents.

Overall condition of photos and documents good.

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173. Collection of photographs and certificates of the members of the Bielski and Yezerski families before they immigrated to Eretz Israel