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Cutting board – “Adolf Hitler and his Staff” – From the early Nazi propaganda publications

Opening price: $150

Commission: 23%

Sold: $150
07.02.2024 07:00pm

Board for cutting – “Adolf Hitler and His Staff”. Published by J.F.S.I.E. Germany, early 1930s in the months when the cruel SA squad members were in service to Adolf Hitler.

At the top of the board is printed in German: “Adolf Hitler with Staff”, as well as “Flag” and “SA Staff Saluting”. Figures of Nazi SA soldiers with raised arm salute. On the left a swastika flag with the words: DEUTSCHLAND ERWACHT – “Germany Awakes” – the slogan Hitler’s followers used to win over German public opinion in the initial stage of Hitler’s rise to power.

The SA men were also known as the “Brownshirts”, named after the color of their uniforms, as opposed to the “Blackshirts” – the SS. These were the Nazi storm troopers, composed of thousands of thugs and unemployed. In 1930 Hitler appointed Ernst Rohm to head the SA, after changing leaders in the 1920s. During the Nazi Party’s rise to power, the SA’s role was to intimidate and even murder political opponents. On June 30, 1934, Hitler gave the SS orders to eliminate the SA after the organization opposed Hitler’s political partners. The execution of this order became known as the “Night of the Long Knives”. All SA leadership was arrested, and Hitler ordered a wave of extrajudicial executions. One by one, the leaders were brought to the wall in front of the officers’ school in Lichterfelde and shot by firing squads of the SS and Gestapo.

Size: 25×22 cm. Minor stains. Good condition.

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71. Cutting board - "Adolf Hitler and his Staff" - From the early Nazi propaganda publications