A Double-sided historic poster issued by German presidential candidate Paul von Heidenburg who ran against Adolf Hitler in the March 1932 election, in a last-ditch attempt to prevent the fall of Germany by the Nazi party. The proclamation warns of the bitter fate of Germany which will become a dictatorship, if Hitler is elected by the Germans and seizes power, and calls on the German masses to go out and vote for Heidenburg:”A dictatorship or parliament … Hitler wants the dictatorship! … he will be swept away on the first day he takes office because he does not appropriate … They want to cruelly control the majority … they prefer a certain sector … the Nazis can not and do not want to change anything in the economic situation! … Look at Hitler’s subordinates, they all did not achieve anything … The front of the decent people in Germany demands: to blackmail the number of votes of the Nazis on March 13, 1932 that he Still too high. Everyone voted Hindenburg! Every woman every man to the polls.” German. rare.
Hindenburg’s command during World War I made him popular with various factions in Germany and was later elected and served as the last president of the Weimar Republic. On October 10, 1931, Hindenburg first met with Adolf Hitler. After the meeting, Heidenburg expressed the negative impression left on Hitler. He expressed that the “Bohemian Gafreiter” as he called him, might one day come to the post of postmaster, but he, Hindenburg, would never appoint him to any more important post. In 1932 the presidential election was held, Heidenburg against Adolf Hitler. Heidenburg won the second round with 53% of the vote compared to Hitler who won with 36.8%, it seemed that most of the German people believed in the values of the republic, and that he rejected the extremists on the right and left. But in fact it was a temporary illusion. Germany suffered from governmental instability when Hindenburg fired and appoints the chancellors, subject to conspiratorial elements. At the end of January 1933 the parliament was dissolved, and through pressure and loss of control, Hitler was proclaimed chancellor. And on February 27, Heidenburg signed an order to burn the Reichstag which suspended all civil liberties and gave Hitler many powers, the order being considered the final stage in the establishment of a Nazi state with a totalitarian regime. After Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor, Hindenburg was already in extremely loose health and mental state. At times he did not recognize the people who spoke to him, and was immersed in the long-lasting senility, and died a year later.
The proclamation before us which was distributed in Germany and addressed to the sane German public was in fact the last attempt to save Germany from falling by the Nazi destructive forces, an attempt which officially succeeded only briefly in Heidenburg’s election but failed the time and destructive forces used by the Nazi party to seize power.
Double-sided proclamation: 32×23 cm. Tears in the margins. Good condition.