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Directory of post offices in the German Reich. July, 1944

Opening price: $200

Commission: 23%

Sold: $200
07.02.2024 07:00pm

Verzeichnis der Postämter des Reichspostgebiets mit Angabe der Postleitzahl
Bearbeitet im Reichsposiministerium Zu beziehen durch die Postämter Preis 10 Rpf Ausgegeben Berlin im Juli 1944 – directory of post offices in the Reich postal districts with details of the postal code, edited by the Reich Postal Ministry. Issued in Berlin in July 1944. Rare.

Complete guide to the post offices in every city and town in the territories of the German Reich. On page 2 appears a map of postal code areas in the cities of Nazi Germany, and a general overview of the different postal code areas.

64 p. Good condition.

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121. Directory of post offices in the German Reich. July, 1944