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Diskin Orphanage – A collection of early documents

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $190
07.03.2022 07:00pm

A collection of about 60 early documents from the Diskin Orphanage and which were sent to, on a wide range of topics. 1930s and 1940s.

Among the documents: a large group photo picture of the Mossad’s orphans with its teachers, an interesting letter about children who were orphaned as a result of their parents’ deaths in the 1929 riots. (During the events of 1929, armed Arabs from Lifta and other villages in the area also attacked the large orphanage itself, to which most of the neighborhood’s residents retreated. The attackers were repulsed several times by defenders from Givat Shaul and English students from Oxford University who volunteered to help and were armed by the British government, as well as by police forces called from the Mahane Yehuda station. The attacks killed an orphanage worker, two neighborhood residents and a British officer), Documents dealing with the addition of sections and services to the institution, receipts for donations made to the institution – some in lithographic print, a handwritten receipt and the signature of Moshe Rivlin (1932), designed documents issued by the orphanage to call for urgent help from foreign donors, and many more.

The Diskin Orphanage was established in Jerusalem in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City in 1880 by Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin (1819–1898). His wife, Sarah Sonia Diskin, brought a dowry of 40,000 gold, to founded the Diskin Orphanage. The institution is in fact the first orphanage established for Jewish orphans only and by Jews during the Ottoman period in which the city of Jerusalem found itself plagued by poverty, disease and bereavement. Many children found themselves without a father or mother, without a home and a supportive environment. The institution continued to operate even after the death of Rabbi Diskin, by his son, Rabbi Yitzchak Yeruham Diskin. In 1907 the orphanage moved to Hanevieim Street. In 1927 the orphanage moved to the new building into a magnificent and spacious building, which housed about 500 orphans.

general condition good.

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229. Diskin Orphanage - A collection of early documents