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Early Payment Instruments – The Jewish Community of Miskolc, Hungary, 1930s and Early 1940s

Opening price: $150

Sold: $170
12.24.2024 07:00pm

Miskolczi Orth. Izraelita Hitkozseg – Seven Rare Payment Vouchers from the Orthodox Jewish Community of Miskolc, Hungary, Some Dating to the Nazi Occupation Period – Officially Stamped and Numbered. Also Included: A “Treif Duck” Voucher from the Beit Din of Miskolc (Likely Used to Mark Non-Kosher Ducks During Slaughter).

The vouchers are for poultry, meat, and unfit ducks. Three of them date to the harsh years under Nazi occupation: 1941, 1942, and 1943, while the others are from the 1930s.

In 1941, Hungary officially joined the war on the side of the Axis powers. At that time, the Jewish population of Miskolc numbered 10,421, most of whom perished in the Holocaust. The year 1941 marked the peak of atrocities in the Miskolc Jewish community. Some of its members were sent to forced labor camps (Jewish men forced to work for the Hungarian military), others perished in the local ghetto, and the majority were deported to Poland, primarily to Auschwitz.

Vouchers: 9×5 cm. The Treif voucher: 10×8 cm. Condition: Very Good.

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68. Early Payment Instruments – The Jewish Community of Miskolc, Hungary, 1930s and Early 1940s