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Eastern European Jewry – five photographs and illustrated scenes. The beginning of the 20th century

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $220
09.14.2022 07:00pm

Five photographs and illustrated scenes of Eastern European Jews during the First World War, published by “Illustrirten Zeitung” Leipzig 1915.

* judische fluchtlinge beim morgengebet in humpoletz (bohmen) – Jewish refugees in the morning prayer in Humpoletz (Bohemia).

* Lager mitgeschleppter polnischer Juden, die von den Russen im tiefsten Elend freigegeben wurden. – Camps of Polish refugee Jews and liberated by the Russians with severe misery.

* Russische Fluchtlinge auf dem Wege nach dem Osten – refugees from Russia on their way east.

* Aua dem Etappengebiet in Russisch-Polen: Kaufladen in Grajewo mit Teeausschank – in the territory of Russian Poland: store in Greibo with a tea bar.

* Osterreichisch-ungarische Proviantkolonnen passieren den Letzten Ort vor der am 8. sept. 1915 genommenen russischen Festung Dubno in Wolhynien – Austro-Hungarian food tours pass the last place before 8 September. The Russian fortress Dubno was taken in 1915 in Volyn. Jews can be seen between the carriages and on them.

same size: 24×18 cm. Very good condition. Photographs on hard cardboard signed on the back with an ink stamp: Stephan, Sachsenhausen Friedrichstr.

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119. Eastern European Jewry - five photographs and illustrated scenes. The beginning of the 20th century