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Eretz Israel Calendar Collection – Special Collection of JNF calendars, and more

Opening price: $150

Commission: 23%

07.02.2024 07:00pm

Eleven Eretz Israel Calendars. Special collection of JNF-Calendars, and more. Years: 1925-1954.

1-7. Eight JNF Calendars “Luach Yerushalayim” (Jerusalem Calendar). Years: 1924-1925 (two different calendars), 51925-1926, 1926-1927, 1927-1928, 1942-1943, 1954-1955. Illustrated title pages, the calendars accompanied by photographs of pioneers building the land in Hebrew settlements, a map of Eretz Israel, yearbooks on JNF’s activities, advertisements, diagrams, and more.

8. Children’s calendar for 1953-1954. Hebrew-English calendar with illustrations and a color map of Eretz Israel.

9-10. Two “HaChaver” calendars for the years 1925-1926, 1928-1929. Informative calendars full of tables, illustrations, photographs, and data, published by “Shachar”, Jerusalem.

11. “HaAretz” calendar for the year 1943-1944. The calendar is full of data, poems, photographs, advertisements for Eretz Israeli production companies, and more.

Various sizes. Complete calendars. All calendars have new, nice covers (except for the “HaChaver” calendar). Embossed decorations. Good – very good condition.

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24. Eretz Israel Calendar Collection - Special Collection of JNF calendars, and more