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Five books with author dedications

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

12.05.2022 07:00pm

1. SH Agnon, by A. M. Lipshitz, Berlin 1926. On the protective page, signature the author A. M. Lifshitz

2. The Dreams of the Sabbatarian R. Mordechai Ashkenazi, Shoken Publishing House 1938, by
Gersham Shalom. Dedication in the handwriting and signature of Gresham Shalom “from one of the defense attorneys in the Sabbatean trial”.

3. History of the Hebrew Choir in Vilna, by
Israel Kluizner, published by the Hebrew community in Vilna, Vilna 1938. Dedication in Kluizner’s handwriting and signature to “Rabbi Y. L. HaCohen Fishman”.

4. The History of the Sages of Jerusalem by Aryeh Leiv Frumkin, with many notes and additions by
Eliezer Rivlin, Salomon Printing House Jerusalem 1928 – 1930 – A thick book. Dedication in the handwriting and signature of Eliezer Rivlin.

5. Sefer Amos with commentary by Prof.
Yosef Klausner. ‘Jezreel’ publishing house 1943, Dedication in Klausner’s handwriting “by the Ba’al Haparshegen”.

general condition good.

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207. Five books with author dedications