5 antisemitic ‘example’ banknotes (two of which have consecutive numbers) with a value of ten million German marks. Rare.
Banknotes originally printed for an anti-Semitic purpose. So on the front of each banknote was printed a figure of a Jew ruling another country and an anti-Semitic inscription. For example, Alfred Rosenberg appears in Russia, the Jewish Hungarian foreign minister Le Cohn, the Soviet leader Leon Trotsky, etc. The figures were printed in a grotesque manner and under each one of them was written: “ost jude” – “Jew from the East”, and the anti-Semitic inscription: “stay away from them… become a National Socialist”. The sample banknotes with the astronomical value of ten million German marks were distributed to the public by members of the Nazi Party at the beginning of its formation in Germany in the early 1920s. And on the back of each bill is written: “The main cash office of the Reichsbank in Berlin pays the sender against this bill. From October 1, 1923 legal tender can be drawn against the bill” – as if it could be converted into “real money”.
general condition very good .