Pocket Calendar for the Year 5626 (1865), Amsterdam, printed by Yohanan Yaakimstahal, Israel Lavissen, David Propes print. Hebrew and Dutch.
On the title page, a handwritten inscription regarding the “Miracle of Sukkot, ” which occurred that year and was intended to be publicized for future generations: “For the last generation to know, in this year a great miracle happened to our brethren, the children of Israel, here in the city of Amsterdam. After rain fell on the ground almost every day from Rosh Chodesh Elul onward, the rain ceased on the night of the first night of Sukkot, to the joy of the children of Israel who observe the commandment of the Sukkah, and throughout the days of Sukkot, no more rain fell until the first day of Cheshvan 5627.”
Along with the annual calendar and holidays, it includes the Traveler’s Prayer, the date of the Molad of the moon, a historical calendar noting the years of the arrival of the Sephardim in Amsterdam, the Ashkenazim, the construction of the synagogue, the steamship departure dates, and more. Two sections – Hebrew and Dutch.
[98] pages. 11 cm. Newly bound with gold lettering on the spine. Original parchment inner wrapper. Condition: Good.