NOVEMBERTAGE 1942 – Germany Defeated on the Battlefield – A propaganda leaflet distributed by the Allies in November 1942. A special double-sided publication by the Allied propaganda department against Nazi Germany, distributed among the German population to foster internal resistance against the Nazi regime and to promote its collapse from within. Rare.
On the front, under the title “November 1942,” a calendar details the German defeats in November: On November 4, the German-Italian tank army under Rommel is defeated at El Alamein. On November 8, the largest transport operation in history – 850 American-British army ships – is ready to defeat the German army in North Africa. On November 19, the German retreat in the Caucasus begins, alongside the Russian offensive, and more. At the bottom right is a quote mocking Hitler’s January 1941 statement: “I have taken all possibilities into account.”
On the back of the leaflet, under the title DER GROSSRAUM IST ZU GROSS GEWORDEN (“The vast space has become too vast”), the Nazi defeats on the various fronts are described in a grim tone:
“The outer walls of the fortress crumble under the blows of three offensives: from the south by the British and Americans, from the east by the Russians, and from the west by the R.A.F. The German armies begin to roll back, the vassal armies begin to falter. The German soldier has marched thousands of kilometers, through deserts, over mountains, and across plains. 43 million have perished, are missing, or have been wounded – all for Hitler’s madness… But the larger the space, the stronger the tension. The farther the armies move, the longer the communication lines stretch… “England has waited for this. We prepared for this moment. In our darkest hour, in August 1940, we saw it coming. Now the time has come. Now, as Hitler’s megalomania, land greed, and obsession have stretched his war machine’s strength to its breaking point, the United Nations strike: from the south, from the east, from the west. The Führer and his movement sense their time is near, and so they cry out: ‘Wait, German people, just a moment! Keep serving, keep suffering, so there will be no end for us and for the horror!’ They know their fate is drawing closer without mercy: a return to the abyss that spat them out!”
Size: 22×13 cm. Filing hole. Condition: good – very good.