Hitler doomed to madness – Smuggled Manuscript reveals secrets of new nazi horrors – Uncensored photographs – special magazine exposing Hitler’s crimes as they happened in the first months of the outbreak of World War II according to field reporters, and according to a Nazi who fled the ranks of the Nazi leadership. Published by Country press – Allied Powers 1940. Rare.
“Our revelations in this booklet will shock and amaze you! The astounding facts in the following pages have never been published to the public. No newspaper, radio or news magazine has ever brought to the world the true picture of Adolf Hitler’s mental state, and what the significance of his present diseased condition means to Europe and the entire world. The two manuscripts that make up this booklet will give you the entire shocking picture of the ruin to which Hitler has reduced Europe. The wildest imagination of the most unrestrained fictionist could not hope to equal, for sheer frightening horror, the hard, cold facts here related by eye-witnesses – people who were present and saw the Nazis at their bloody work!… This booklet reveals to the world the naked bones of Hitlerism in the hope that the truth may contribute in some measure to the downfall of the maniac with the brown shirts who has set the world ablaze…” (from the introduction to the booklet).
The field reporter who was himself in the occupied countries reports for the first time: “My experiences proved to my belief that Hitler is completely insane, literally, he is the mad beast of Europe, his intention today is the destruction of the entire world and the dear civilization that has been built since the Middle Ages…”. In the first part of the booklet is the testimony of a newspaper reporter who witnessed the Nazi massacre in Norway in France and in Poland and describes what is happening in these countries. Among other things, the booklet exposes for the first time elderly Jewish forced laborers in Poland in a photograph described: “In hard manual labor… to satisfy the mad lust of the Munich madman” The writer describes that he witnessed mass murders, kidnappings, and robberies committed by the Nazis. He describes the chaos that occurred in France with its occupation by the Nazis – “For some time at least eighty percent of the French people, over thirty million had no idea what had happened. They were homeless and hopeless”. These articles are accompanied by photographs hard to view of civilians murdered by the Nazis in the occupation of Poland, detailed descriptions of the murders committed by the Nazis in villages in Poland, victims of the barbaric bombing of Rotterdam, a massacre of civilians found by the Nazis after hiding in a shelter, documentation of a Nazi massacre that executed Belgian civilians who fled their homes in Brussels, eyewitness accounts of acts of torture and persecution of Jews in Paris, and elsewhere, and many more. The reporter expresses his feelings: “After a certain point the human brain refuses to accept any more fear but I am forced to tell my story so that the world will know the true situation that the madman of Munich has brought”.
In the second part, one of the former senior Nazis who deserted Hitler’s ranks confesses his crimes and tells in detail the conduct within the Nazi party from its beginning, and the way in which he himself became a ruthless obedient to Nazi ideology, and committed serious crimes until he realized how low he had sunk, and decided to desert and flee Germany (appears under the pseudonym “Count von Ulrich”, because his relatives were still in Germany): “The mad beast of Europe must be destroyed! Because Hitler is insane. Mad. With such a lust for power and destruction… I who for seventeen years faithfully served and supported Adolf Hitler. I who blindly obeyed him. I who adored him, our Führer, like a second Messiah. God help me!…Not long ago I sat in privacy with the fat, successful Marshal Goering, in his hunting lodge outside Berlin, and heard him calmly admit what I had long suspected. Hitler is crazy!…I, the son of an old Prussian family, with a proud noble name, committed abominable deeds in the name of Hitler. I firmly believed that the ends justify the means – whether murder, assassination, torture, deceit or plain gangsterism. I participated in unimaginable villainies without any hesitation, for I was convinced that Adolf Hitler could free my beloved Germany from the chains of Versailles, and in time bring peace to all mankind everywhere… My hands are stained with the blood of thousands of men and women, Jews and non-Jews alike… I ask not for the forgiveness nor the understanding of men and women. I only say, Hitler must go… He’s a lunatic with his unquenchable thirst for blood, and more blood. The fate of the whole world hangs in the balance, the survival of all civilization, on the continued existence of this mad monster… If you ask “why don’t you kill him?” my answer is that I would – gladly – if I could. But I won’t have the chance. I’m in hiding, in a hotel in Lisbon, where I’m writing this but the Gestapo agents are waiting for me. I may be shot any day or night…”.
The senior officer describes how all of Adolf Hitler’s close associates know that he is crazy, and tells of unknown events at the highest levels of the party starting in the early 1920s, and documents the crimes of the Nazis from the seizure of power in 1933 at length over several pages in the booklet.
66 p. 28 cm. complete issue. Good condition.