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Hitler = SS – ‘black humor’ pamphlet which caused widespread public controversy – a copy with the dedication of the author

Opening price: $200

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Sold: $220
12.05.2022 07:00pm

Hitler=SS – a ‘black humor’ comic booklet about the Nazi concentration camps by the French writer, humorist and screenwriter Jean-Marie Gourio (born 1956), with illustrations by Philippe Vuillemin. KIOSQUE BD Publishing, Paris 1988 – Booklet No. 1 – Copy with dedication signed by the author.

The plot takes place during World War II inside the concentration camps, and it focuses on the relationship between the Jewish prisoners and the SS gangs. Accompanied by illustrations of prisoners with a yellow patch and scenes from the camp. When the booklet was published, an extensive public debate arose in France and Europe, despite the fact that it actually mocks the SS soldiers and presents them in a negative light, the mere dealing with the concentration camps in a humorous tone provoked criticism and lively debate about the limits of freedom of expression, and some claimed that the subject is a taboo that should not be presented in any humorous way.

47 p. 40 cm. Good condition.

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116. Hitler = SS - 'black humor' pamphlet which caused widespread public controversy - a copy with the dedication of the author