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Hitlerism and the Jews – a cruel lesson! – A rare publication by Rabbi David Pardo, warning against the danger of Hitlerism. Istanbul, 1933

Opening price: $250

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Sold: $340
12.05.2022 07:00pm

L’HITLERISME ET LES JUIF UNE CRUELLE LECON! – Hitlerism and the Jews – a cruel lesson! A rare publication by Rabbi David Pardo warning of the danger of the Nazis, and revealing the true intentions of the Nazi party towards the Jews. Istanbul 1933. A copy with the author’s dedication: “Gift to the library “Shaari Zion” by the author David Pardo. Kushta, 7/27/37″. French.

“While I am writing these lines, young German school and university students drunk with jealousy and hatred towards the Jews are setting up Auto de fe (public punishment ceremony) in the public squares of Germany to burn and exterminate the creations of the Jew’s mind…” . A short essay in which Rabbi David Pardo warns the Jews of Germany from the danger of the Nazis, details their true intentions, calls on the Jews of Germany to leave their country as soon as possible, and explains the disaster that the assimilation of the German Jews brought on the entire Jewish people. The words were written right after Hitler came to power and in his words Rabbi David Pardo leaves no room for doubt about the following: “The anti-Semitic wave descending with extreme violence on the Jews of Germany is wreaking havoc and threatens to collapse the German Jewish community. The swastika… planned a plan for the systematic extermination of the Jews of Germany… When we see these parades of the Nazis with the swastika, the flags, and the music at the top, shouting ‘Jews out’, we pity these German Jews twice…” . And explains that the assimilation of the Jews and their attempt to become like the German people while imitating the German culture, not only did not help them bring the Germans closer to them, but brought them hatred that was never directed towards them by any other people. Rabbi Pardo calls on German Jewry to wake up early, lest it be too late, and they will no longer be able to escape from the evil that is coming upon them, and warns: “Today the Jewish is a source of laughter for the girls at school, on the school benches those Jews who for generations felt themselves to be Germans are being harmed. The “Jewish” today he is synonymous with a traitor, a vulgar creature, a criminal, an enemy of the homeland. In the theater, in literature, in the press, in the public squares, the Jew is the object of the worst moral attacks… To be a Jew according to the Nazi minister means a person without conscience, without character…” , and calls on the Jews of Germany to wake up to their situation and leave as quickly as possible.

extremely rare. Does not appear in the national library, and does not appear in the world library catalog “world cat”.

15 [1] p. 22 cm. Good condition.

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55. Hitlerism and the Jews - a cruel lesson! - A rare publication by Rabbi David Pardo, warning against the danger of Hitlerism. Istanbul, 1933