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If the Axis Loses This War… – A Serbian booklet against the Allies and the Jewish Connection. Serbia, Early 1940s

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Изгуби ли осовина рат… “If the Axis Loses the War…” – “If the Axis loses this war, the Jews will truly inflict a severe blow to Europe, its culture, and its current civilization!” – An antisemitic booklet in Serbian, published during the height of World War II, presenting the defeat of the Axis powers as a nightmare scenario that would bring about the end of Europe, which would be handed over to the Jews. Supporters of the Axis in Serbia fought for Nazi Germany during World War II. Serbia, early 1940s. Rare.

The booklet is written in a cruel and apocalyptic tone, hurling vile accusations that World War II is a “holy war” waged by Germany and Italy to “liberate” international capital from the hands of the Jews, who, according to the author, “grasp it with greed and ruthlessness”. The rapid victories of Nazi Germany on various fronts prove that justice is on their side, and in fact, only good will come to nations conquered under the Nazi regime: “All of Europe, except the Soviet Union, found itself in the camp of Germany and Italy, either by force or favor.” The author warns that if World War II ends in the defeat of the Axis powers, this “will be identical to the final and irreparable defeat of all of Europe.” Europe will be ruled by the Jews: “The Jews boast that throughout their historical existence, Judaism has destroyed three empires, three cultures: the Babylonian-Persian, the Egyptian, and the Roman. If the Axis loses this war, the Jews will truly inflict a severe blow to Europe, its culture, and its current civilization!” It further states: “Germany and Italy are simultaneously fighting for the victory of all European nationalism, for the general victory of Europe, for its liberation from the yoke of international plutocracy, Judaism, Freemasonry, and all other visible and invisible partners.”

The author also writes: “No matter which way we look at it, the defeat of the Axis will be catastrophic for all of Europe, for its culture, and for the main components of its society, especially for the European worker and farmer.”
The writer compares the position of workers in Nazi Germany to that of workers in Russia, England, and the United States: “The worker in England has always been a slave to capital, and when capital no longer needed the worker, it threw him into the streets; therefore, unemployment in England became an incurable disease. In America, plutocracy keeps all of America’s labor force from developing any viable workers’ movement. In Russia, the workers are slaves to the Jewish dictatorship. By contrast, since the very rise of Fascism and National Socialism, the farmer and worker in Germany and Italy are not slaves to capital or slaves to the state. Above all, National Socialism and Fascism have protected their workers and farmers from the exploitation of foreign capital and international plutocracy. First and foremost, the National Socialist (and Fascist) state cares for the farmers…”

The booklet was written anonymously, but from its concluding sections, it is evident that the author was a Nazi propagandist residing in Serbia at the time, as it states: “At the end of the day, we Europeans are still one family, an Aryan family, connected by blood, growing from the same cultural sources, and raised in a shared life of a thousand years. While we were the masters of the entire globe, we could even quarrel out of anger; now we are no longer the masters of the earth, now we are in danger of becoming servants, even slaves, instead of masters. This danger must bring us into harmony and cooperation so that, at the very least, our land in Europe will remain ours. After all, the imperial will of the victorious Axis will unite us! And that the coordination of Europe’s forces will benefit all its nations and all of Europe both materially and spiritually – it is unnecessary to prove to any rational person!”

The booklet is accompanied by biased photographs, ostensibly depicting the miserable conditions of farmers in England and America, and presenting Russia as the “land of hunger” where peasants starve for bread, in contrast to the “promising future” that Germany and Italy claim to bring to farmers.

Extremely rare booklet. Not listed in the WorldCat library catalog.

28 pages. Condition: Very Good.

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53. If the Axis Loses This War… – A Serbian booklet against the Allies and the Jewish Connection. Serbia, Early 1940s