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Information Booklet About Hermann Göring’s Bulletproof Car

Opening price: $120

Sold: $180
12.24.2024 07:00pm

HERMANN GOERING’S BULLET-PROOF CAR Captured by the British Army and Exhibited for THE SOLDIERS, SAILORS & AIRMEN’S FAMILIES ASSOCIATION – An information booklet about the personal ‘Super Mercedes’ of Nazi war criminal Hermann Göring, displayed in Brades (United Kingdom) after the war for the American Soldiers’, Sailors’, and Airmen’s Association. Late 1940s.

The booklet provides fascinating details about the car used by one of the leaders of the Nazi regime – Hermann Göring – during the war. It weighs five tons, its engine is approximately ten times larger than average, equivalent in size to that of a standard 56-seat bus. The car is protected from grenades or mines with a specially adapted steel floor. The body includes bulletproof steel fitted into every door panel, and the windows and windshield are made of 5-ply glass, 12 inches thick, with visible marks from British rifle fire attesting to its bulletproof nature.

The car was discovered by British forces in a large enemy vehicle depot captured in Lentföhrden, Schleswig-Holstein. This depot contained between 20,000 to 30,000 enemy vehicles after Germany’s surrender. It took time to locate Göring’s car among the vast collection. Once its ownership was confirmed, the vehicle was taken to the R.E.M.E. garage, where efforts were made to repair it.

An interesting detail is that the car bears registration from Hamburg rather than Berlin, unlike the other six vehicles used by high-ranking Nazi officials. Göring had many friends and connections in Hamburg, and his mother-in-law owned a small tobacco shop near the Atlantic Hotel.

[4] pages. Very good condition.

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120. Information Booklet About Hermann Göring's Bulletproof Car