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Israel: The Story of a Nation – A Photo Booklet – The Israeli Pavilion at the Universal Exhibition in Brussels in Honor of Israel’s Decade

Opening price: $120

Commission: 23%

Sold: $120
09.24.2024 07:00pm

Israel The Story of a nation – Photo Booklet Published in Honor of Israel’s Decade by the Government Printer. Illustrated and Published by George Him. Summary of the Israeli Pavilion at the Universal Exhibition in Brussels, 1958. Cover Illustration of “Srulik.”

An interesting booklet that reviews the development of the young State of Israel in its first ten years. The content covers a range of topics, including the ingathering of exiles, the Declaration of Independence, the challenges faced by immigrants in adapting to the land, the growth of cities and settlements, a summary of history from the Holocaust years, and the War of Independence. The booklet also provides numerical data on urban development in the country, the economy, Israeli aviation, the IDF, healthcare services, and more.

112 pages. 17 cm. Slight tears along the spine. Good condition.

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199. Israel: The Story of a Nation - A Photo Booklet - The Israeli Pavilion at the Universal Exhibition in Brussels in Honor of Israel's Decade