Issue of the Newspaper “Ba’afraying” – Organ of the “Poalei Zion” Party for the She’erit HaPleitah in Poland – Lodz, December 1, 1947. The headline announces: “גענעראל פארזאמלונג פון אונר”א באשלאסן צו שאפן א יידישע מלוכה אין א”י [ארץ ישראל] מיט 33 שטימען ביי 10 אפגעהאלטענע אוו 13 קעגן” – “General Assembly of UNRRA Decides to Establish a Jewish State in Eretz Israel with 33 Votes, 10 Abstentions, and 13 Against” – two days after the UN Resolution on November 29. Two Days After the UN Declaration on November 29.
The issue opens with an emotional article (translated): “It is hard to convey the feelings we are experiencing in light of this great historical event. After two thousand years, the Jewish people restore the chain of their independence in their ancient historical homeland, in Eretz Israel. A lofty moment lives among the scattered Jews of the world, and especially among the blood-soaked Jews of Poland. The highest international body – the United Nations – on Saturday, November 29, with a majority of more than two-thirds, voted for the establishment of a Jewish state in Israel. For weeks, the debate on this question continued, with committees and subcommittees examining the matter from various angles. Our representatives – Dr. Weizmann, Ben-Gurion, Shertok, Dr. Silver, and others – had to overcome numerous obstacles to bring the question of the Jewish state to a just resolution…”. The entire issue focuses on the Zionist movement’s preparations and response to the joyous news of the end of the British Mandate and the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz Israel.
[6] pages. Complete issue. Stains, fold marks, and filing holes on the right side. Condition: Moderate – Good.