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‘Jaccuse…. – ‘I Blame’ – a large propaganda poster for the benefit of death camp survivors

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

07.03.2022 07:00pm

Jaccuse…. – ‘I accuse’ – A propaganda poster by the FEDERATION des DEPORTES et INTERNES RESISTANS et PATRIOTES – the Federation of Opposition and Deported and Internal Patriots, calling for the use of public funds for the benefit of death camp survivors. In the center is a large drawing of a released prisoner pointing his accusation finger and the caption “Jaccuse” …. – ‘I accuse’ in a prominent red. Below the sentence reads: ” …. les hommes qui dilapident les deniers publics pour faire la gurre…… de laisser dans la misere les veuves, les orphelins, les vieux parents, les rescapes des camps de la mort, les victimes de la guerre” – The men who spend public money …… sadly leave widows, orphans, elderly parents, death camp survivors, war victims.” Signed in print: Boris Tdsintsy. Imp. speciale of the F.N.D.I.R.P. [France, mid-1940s].

A very rare poster. Has never appeared at auction.

120×80 cm. Folding marks. Good condition.

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60. 'Jaccuse.... - 'I Blame' - a large propaganda poster for the benefit of death camp survivors