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Large poster – Chart for teaching racial theory in Nazi Germany

Opening price: $150

Commission: 23%

Sold: $1,300
01.29.2024 07:00am

Deutsche Rassenbilder – “German Racial Images” – Study chart with 32 photos and comparative overview of physical characteristics of the five European races present in Germany according to Nazi German racial science, by Dr. Hans F. K. Günther. Munich – store edition sold for 1 Reichsmark.

The chart presents 32 figures each with a typical appearance representing the different races according to Nazi racial theory – the superior “Aryan” race, and the inferior “Jewish” race. On one hand it shows male and female figures labeled “Nordic front and side view”, “Nordic child”, Baltic, etc. And on the other hand members of the “inferior” races – Mediterranean, Dinaric, Near Eastern Jew, Eastern race Jew Max Baruch, mixed race – Jew with Nordic influence, and others.
At the bottom appears a table of “The physical characteristics of the five European races found in Germany” – Dinaric, Alpine, Western, Nordic, Baltic, with each race detailed according to Nazi racial theory regarding the various body parts – skull, hair, etc. and overall build and nature, e.g. “slim”, “somewhat confused”, “long neck”, “broad lower back”, “blonde”, etc.

At the top left a quote from racial theorist L. Finckh : “Earthly genealogy is not a dry science, it determines for you who you are and what you will be if you make yourself worthy of your ancestors… The ancestors although dead are alive in some small drop of blood, in the brain cell, in the heart fiber right inside you…”. To the right appears a racist quote from Gorch Fock: “Perhaps in fifty or a hundred years people will no longer understand… how they allowed their races to rot and disperse into a great sandpit…”.

This chart appeared as an appendix to the book by Nazi racial scientist Hans Günther “Die Rassenkunde des Deutschen Volks” (“Racial Science of the German People”), this edition was printed as a standalone chart for purchase in stores across Germany.

64×48 cm. Fold marks. Good condition.

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58. Large poster - Chart for teaching racial theory in Nazi Germany