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Letter by the Rabbi of Hebron Rabbi Suleiman Menachem Mani

Opening price: $200

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Sold: $200
07.03.2022 07:00pm

A letter sent from Hebron to “The head of Turkey rabbis… Rav V’gadol B’Israel!” (Rabbi Chaim Bezerno) Signed by Rabbi Suleiman Menachem Mani regarding assistance to a widow whose relatives are living in Turkey. Elul 1920.

In his letter, Rabbi Mani addresses a request about the wife of a man named Yosef Ashguilo who was left in Hebron without a piece of bread after her husband died, requesting to locate her husband’s brother who has a promissory note with them for an amount to be given to her after her husband dies. The genius writes that:”Out of my pity and heartbreak for the widow, on the twelfth of Tammuz I sent a letter to the above to arouse their pity for this misery and unfortunately the letter came back closed because they did not know the place of the person …”, And asks the rabbi of Turkey that he will do everything in his power to locate the brothers of her husband.

The Gaon Rabbi Suleiman Menachem Mani [1850-1924] Chacham Bashi and rabbi of Hebron. In 1856, his parents immigrated to Eretz Israel with him, and settled in Jerusalem. Two years later, he moved with his family to Hebron. Upon the death of his father in 1899, he was appointed to serve as the Av Beit Din in Hebron, and was the right hand of Rabbi Chaim Hizekiah Medini. Upon the death of Rabbi Medini in 1904, he was appointed to Chacham bashi and Rabbi of Hebron. During his tenure as rabbi of Hebron, he became famous as a peacemaker, and Jews and Arabs alike would turn to him for compromise in various conflicts.

[1] leaf. Official stationery. Filing holes. Good condition.

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198. Letter by the Rabbi of Hebron Rabbi Suleiman Menachem Mani