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List of donors to the Yeshiva ‘Chachmei Lublin’ – official stationery of Rabbi Meir Shapira of Lublin with a drawing of the yeshiva building

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

07.03.2022 07:00pm

The list of donors to the Yeshiva of ‘Chachmei Lublin’ on an official stationery of Rabbi Meir Shapira of Lublin as the “Axis of the Polish Parliament Meir Shapira Av Beit Din and Rabbi Pietrkow and the Galilee”, with an illustration of the frontage of the Yeshivat chachmei Lublin.

‘In favor of the Yeshivat Chachmei Lublin Talmud Tora Etz Chaim …’ – A long handwritten list of 90 donor names. Written on an Official stationery of Rabbi Meir Shapira, from the period of his trip to the United States in the years 1926-1927, for a fundraiser for the establishment of the “Chachmei Lublin” yeshiva (Rabbi Meir Shapira appears as the “axis of the Polish parliament” on the top right. He was elected to the Polish Sejm as a representative of “Agudat Israel” in 1922 and served in that position until 1927). At the top left is an illustration of the yeshiva building, with a division into three sections: Yeshivat Chachmei Lublin – “Maharshal”, “Maharsha” and “Maharam”. At the top of the list is the name of Rabbi Yehuda Leib Grubart, Av Beit Din of Toronto. Also appearing are: Rabbi Avraham Hoffman, Rabbi Avraham Moshe Zilberberg, the donors to the Baldwin family, and others.

[2] leaves. Folding marks. Reinforcement with adhesive tape on the back along the middle fold mark. Stains. Good – moderate condition.

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207. List of donors to the Yeshiva 'Chachmei Lublin' - official stationery of Rabbi Meir Shapira of Lublin with a drawing of the yeshiva building