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Manuscript Drush for the troubles of cholera patients that spread in Tiberias – Rabbi Mordechai Ohana – not printed

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07.03.2022 07:00pm

“Drush to obituary for trouble, in the patients of cholera, who ruled in the holy city of Tiberias”. 18 pages in the handwriting of Rabbi Mordechai Ohana following the famous cholera epidemic that broke out in Tiberias in the early 1900s. an entire manuscript that has never been printed, which deals with the depth of the spiritual causes of the serious illness that befell Tiberias in the early 20th century, and ways to be saved from it.

“Man will be resent justify the Din on every trouble …”. The manuscript opens with a Tziduk HaDin for those who died of an illness and a prayer he composed to be saved from it. He later reveals the spiritual reasons that cause this disease to appear, about what sins, the matter of ‘sorrow of Talmidey Chachamim’ and how G-d does everything in with justification, Peyrush of verses in the prophet dealing with troubles of Israel, the matter of punishments, the virtue of sanctifying G-d and a commentary on the binding of Isaac, what a person infected with the disease will do – Tikun HaTshuva, and more.

In 1902, the cholera epidemic (Infectious infectious disease that damages the digestive system and causes dehydration and death) broke out in the Middle East and Eretz Israel, due to the migration of various peoples from west to east through Eretz Israel. Tiberias was the city where the disease spread most severely from the cities of the country, about 600 of the city’s inhabitants died. The English physician Ernest Wilhelm Granny Masterman came to the attention of the people of Tiberias about Hygiene rules that might have prevented the spread of the disease. In those years, sewage flowed through the streets of Tiberias, and there was a great deal of overcrowding in the city. The Ottoman local government ignored the warnings of the Scottish physician David Watt Torrance regarding the plague, and about the sanitary measures to be taken to reduce its severity. Torrance even provided the residents of the city free boiled water, but they refused to drink this water out of ignorance, preferring to use the polluted water of the Sea of ​​Galilee. The Ottoman government used to impose a closure on cholera-stricken cities, in order to prevent its spread to other places. But the closure imposed on Tiberias was considerably late, and patients who fled the city spread the disease to neighboring communities in the Galilee. Even after the closure was imposed, it was possible to go out and enter besieged Tiberias for a bribe. A decade later, the cholera epidemic broke out again in Tiberias, but it did not spread to other parts of Eretz Israel. This time, too, the Ottoman government imposed a closure and refrained from providing medical assistance.

Before us one of the most important discoveries: a complete handwritten essay by Rabbi Mordechai Ohana in which he comprehensively and reveals the internal reasons of the serious illness which caused the deaths of many, and the ways to be saved from it.

The Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Ohana: A native of Denmat in Morocco. Immigrated to Tiberias in the 60s of the 19th century and was appointed one of the greatest sages, in 1892 he went on a mission to Morocco as SDR of Tiberias. (See about hin in the Book of Tiberias page 283).

[18] pages. Stains. Good condition.

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197. Manuscript Drush for the troubles of cholera patients that spread in Tiberias - Rabbi Mordechai Ohana - not printed