
145  From



Map of Palestine – hand painted engraving. Paris, mid-18th century

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $120
09.14.2022 07:00pm

LA MONARCHIE DES HEBREUX SOUS SALOMON, ou LE ROYAUME D’ISRAEL – Map of Palestine, on both sides of the Jordan, divided into tribal estates. Hand-painted engraving by Cartographer Sr. Robert. Paris, mid-18th century.

On the top left is another sub-map showing palestine with part of the Arabian Peninsula. Below on the left is a cartouche showing Moshe and Aaron.
This map appeared in different versions in the first decades of the 18th century. See Laor’s map collection in the National Library, entries 688-691.

76×57 cm. Stains. Slight tears at the edges of the map. Good condition.

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145. Map of Palestine - hand painted engraving. Paris, mid-18th century