“The Revolt, ” by Menachem Begin. “Special Edition Dedicated to the Rehabilitation of Freedom Fighters (SHALACH), ” Published by Achiasaf, Jerusalem, 1950. The title page is signed by Begin: “For the Liberation of Zion”
“The Revolt, ” Menachem Begin’s memoirs, detailing the activities of the underground movements, with a focus on the Etzel, in the 1940s – Special Edition. The front cover features a metal plaque embossed with the Etzel emblem. A photograph of the famous letter with Begin’s dedication from 1950 is affixed to the front flyleaf: “Our sons who arose to fight the people’s war… gave everything that a mortal can give for his people…”, and Begin’s signature is on the title page.
514, [6] pages + [7] plates of photographs, 21 cm. Good condition.