“LeShanah Tovah Yechatev VeYechatem LeChaim Tovim LeReshit HaShana..” – Leaf “LeShanah Tovah” lithographic print – Monsohn, ordered by the institutions of the Ungarian Kollel in Jerusalem, featuring the various institutions buildings. Jerusalem, 1904.
Impressive illustrations of the Temple Mount, the Hasidic Study Hall in the Batei Ungarin Kollel, the two Batei Midrash for Ashkenazim and Hasidim of the Ungarin Kollel in the city, and the buildings of the charitable institutions of Ungarin Kollel – Nachalat Tzvi.
Rare, does not appear in “A.L. Monsohn Press 1892-1992 Baramatz – From Lithography to Offset”, 2009.
30×23 cm. Professional restoration on corners of leaf. Good condition.