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Nikola Tesla, and Tesla companies – pin collection

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $170
09.14.2022 07:00pm

17 pins of the great electrical engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla, as well as the emblems of various companies named after him, some of which are rare. Various places, 20th century.

Nikola Tesla [1856-1943] : American physicist, electrical engineer and inventor of Serbian origin. One of the greatest inventors of all time and one of the greatest electrical engineers. In the United States he was called “The Wizard of the West”. The unit of measurement Tesla is named after him, marked with the letter T – a standard unit for measuring the strength of a magnetic field according to the SI system of units. Tesla researched and later invented a method for transmitting radio waves which was a sort of continuation of the transformer idea. During his life, Tesla invented over 300 different patents. Today the famous vehicle company “Tesla” owned by the Elon Musk, also named after the great inventor.

general condition very good .

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155. Nikola Tesla, and Tesla companies - pin collection