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Official invitation to Maxa Nordau from French President Ramon Poincaré to a dance ball at the Elysee Palace in Paris

Opening price: $150

Commission: 23%

Sold: $200
07.02.2024 07:00pm

An official invitation from the President of France and his wife to Maxa Nordau to come and participate in a dance ball at the Élysée Palace. February 21, [1914].

“The President of the Republic and his wife Madame Raymond Poincaré invite Ms. Nordau (mademoiselle Nordau appears handwritten) to do them the honor of coming to spend the evening at the Élysée Palace on Saturday, February 21, at 9:30. We will dance”. In the upper left a relief seal of the President of the Republic, and a note below that the card is personal.

Raymond Poincaré [1860-1934] French statesman, President of France between 1913 and 1920, served three terms as Prime Minister of France.

Maxa Simone Nordau [1897-1991] French painter, illustrator and writer, daughter of Max Nordau, one of the founders of the Zionist movement.

13×17 cm. Paper on thick cardboard. Very good condition.

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252. Official invitation to Maxa Nordau from French President Ramon Poincaré to a dance ball at the Elysee Palace in Paris