L’Haggada illustrata. Tradotta da A. V. Morpurgo. Passover Haggadah with paintings and Italian translation column by column, by Avraham Chai Morforgo, accompanied by 58 copper carvings by C. Kirchmayr – signed in the body of the illustrations. Trieste 1864 – one of the most important Haggadahs in print ever.
The publisher and translator of the Haggadah, Rabbi Avraham Chai Morforgo, writes in the introduction that it was commissioned by Mr. Colombo Cohen, and he used mainly ancient Machzorim in German, Italian, and Spanish to accurately translate the Haggadah into Italian. The Haggadah was printed in the second half of the 19th century, and in a short time it has earned a place of honor in the history of the Haggadah printing press in general, due to the many high-quality illustrations that appear on almost every page of it. And since it was published, the illustrations that appear in it have found a place in dozens of editions of the Haggadahs printed in later years.
Yeari 899; Otzar HaHaggadot 1217.
[4], 64, pages, 33 cm. The two pages of musical notes for Passover songs at the end of the Haggadah are missing. Stains, tears on the first pages – reinforced with paper gluing. Some have adhesive paper with a caption that slightly damages the text in several places. Moderate condition.