Rundfunkgenehmigung – “Broadcast Permit” No. 3318 for the use of a radio reception system in Nazi Germany. January 1940. Possession of this permit was mandatory for radio use, and citizens caught without it with a radio in their home could be sent to their deaths.
Permit for a radio reception system granted to Emil Rohlish: “Hereby granted permission to operate a radio reception system or to connect to a broadcasting reception system…”. The permit specifies that it is granted to the named individual and their household members residing with them in the same home. It allows the installation of multiple antennas but prohibits the simultaneous operation of multiple receivers. The permit includes clauses regarding the placement of antennas and mandates that the radio owner must always allow free access to Reich communication representatives.
[1] Printed sheet on both sides, filled in with Emil’s handwriting and his signature. 20×21 cm. Good condition.