Two propaganda publications intended for the “Hitler Youth” aimed at justifying Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union in “Operation Barbarossa” and depicting Russia as an extension of the “threatening Jewish Bolshevism seeking to disrupt the world order”. Germany, 1942.
Der Bolschewismus – Bolshevism. Propaganda poster for the Hitler Youth during the time meant to justify Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union in “Operation Barbarossa”. The poster distributed around the invasion on June 22, 1942 claims the goal of Russian Bolshevism is to deny all natural order and culture, and that the driving force behind Bolshevism is the Jew. “Without knowledge of Judaism there is no knowledge of Bolshevism” it writes, adding the goal of the Jewish race is to destroy the Aryan peoples, break apart their culture and undermine their cultural order, and it does this through Bolshevik Russia which adopted Lenin’s doctrine. The invading German soldiers coming to Russia are doing a “historic justice” according to the poster in eradicating Jewish Bolshevism. 4 pages, German.
Weekly political report from August 7, 1942, published by Regional Leadership 16 in Saxony for “Political Orientation in the Hitler Youth Home Evenings” – “Not for Sale, for Official Use Only”. Propaganda pamphlet for the Hitler Youth arguing that Moscow “forced” Germany to invade its territory due to Jewish involvement in Soviet decisions representing the West which formed an alliance against Nazi Germany. Features an extensive detailing of battles that occurred during the invasion. [4] pages, German.