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Race, Heredity, and Character – Fundamental Principles of Nazi Racial Theory – Many Illustrative Photographs. Berlin, 1934 – First Edition

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Ralle, Vererbung und Charakter Eine grundlegende Einführung Mit 137 Abbildung Eine grundlegende Einführung in die europäische Rassenkunde, die Vererbungs- und Körperbautypenlehre die Konstitutionslehre und die Rassenpflege – “Race, Heredity, and Character – A Basic Introduction with 137 Photographs: A Basic Introduction to the Science of the European Race, Heredity, and Physical Constitution, Racial Theory, and Racial Hygiene, ” by Rolf C. Reiner, psychologist at the outpatient clinic for institutional medicine at Charité. A “scientific” publication dealing with the foundations of Nazi racial theory, accompanied by photographic plates of various races with the goal of training the unprofessional eye to distinguish between the Aryan race and the inferiority of other races, and to differentiate the “Jew” from the Aryan in every possible way due to being a racial threat – “With all the means and methods of racial hygiene described here in general outlines, all the demands that Adolf Hitler has placed for a nationalist state are finally fulfilled…”. Preface by Dr. W. Janasch. Published by Deutsches Verlagshaus Bong, Berlin 1934 – First Edition. Extremely rare.

“The abundant amount of visual material included in this work is intended to train the eye because this is what matters: you must learn not only intellectually but with the eye… The current work enables penetration and understanding of the material on which the mentality and ability of the German people are based to a considerable extent. With great clarity and through rich and carefully selected illustrative material, European science takes on a vivid form with heredity theory and body structure so that the reader will be able to identify and classify people based on this… In the same way, the work does justice to racial hygiene, which is so important to the life of our people. For every subfield, it is based on the same branches of knowledge to which we owe the intellectual foundation of racial science. In his hormone theory, Reiner emphasizes the effects of these glandular fluids on the growth, form, and mental structure of humans and their role in creating races. In the diversity of races, he sees the racial mark and the richness of German existence, and in the Nordic race, the bond that holds this diversity together and gives the German people the opportunity to fulfill their cultural mission as a united whole…”.

A horrifying publication dealing with the foundations of Nazi racial theory, intended to convey to the simple person unfamiliar with science the perception of the “natural” superiority of the Aryan race and the racial inferiority of the other races, with the Jewish race being the most inferior and dangerous among them, in order to instill what the author calls “racial consciousness.” The author “scientifically” establishes what “race” is – points to the physical and mental characteristics of the European races, with the Aryan race being the finest, and proceeds to the practical instruction on how to identify the differences between the races through anthropological measurement. All this serves as introductory chapters with the aim of training the reader to reach the inevitable conclusion regarding the inferiority of the Jewish race, which he compares to the level of “European apes” and determines that: “Only the clear separation of the ‘non-Jews from the Jews’ brings a satisfactory solution to the Jewish question…”.

In the chapter dealing with the Jews, it is written:
“Jews must not… be brought into connection with the European races! Instead, we must address Jews as a non-European people, whose mental nature and structure are foreign to the European people and will remain foreign forever. Today’s Judaism is clearly a non-European mixture… So much has been said about “the chosen people”… always the greatest disasters of humanity have emerged from this stubborn will to live and preserve the race, which speaks through these facts! The Jew has an egotism that guides him in all his thinking and actions. Therefore, the Jewish state is supposed to also be the living organism for the preservation and spread of a race that is territorially unlimited… The logical conclusion from the aforementioned factors… is that there is no such thing as a real Jewish culture, and there has never been one. What we previously thought we could call Jewish culture is revealed as a pseudo-culture, an intellectual property of the other race-creators and culture-bearers, corrupted and distorted… As is characteristic of Judaism, the Jewish intellect also… lacks the idealistic motive, meaning it is incapable of creating anything with the purpose of being humane and capable of higher development, still equal to that of European apes… But its spread is a phenomenon typical of all parasites; it always seeks a new breeding ground for its race, but this has nothing to do with nomadism, for the Jew does not even think of vacating an area he has conquered but remains wherever he is… It is very difficult to expel them even by force. So the Jew lives in the states of others and creates his own state within a state under the false guise of a “religious community.” And in this communal structure… the Jew is never in a servant role, but always in a supposedly higher role, as a banker or merchant, as a judge or lawyer, as a doctor or journalist. However, it is not any particular level of intellectual quality that enables him to achieve these roles in life but his distinct Eastern merchant sense, his ruthless self-determination, his colorful, nimble, and adaptive yet shallow intellect, and the absence of what the Aryans call “ethical inhibitions.” These represent the mental image of the Jew, which we continue to draw here…
The European races do not have a deeper understanding of the psychological characteristics of a people whose blood composition is made up primarily of non-European races. But to show this was the task that had to be fulfilled here! You can think and judge as you wish about the value or worthlessness of Judaism, but ultimately, this is completely irrelevant. The only important thing is to reach the understanding that Judaism is distinctly a non-European people. Therefore, only the clear separation of “non-Jews from Jews” brings a satisfactory solution to the Jewish question…”. Photographs of Albert Einstein and Leon Trotsky appear in this chapter.

The book is accompanied by numerous photographic plates depicting the “perfect” Nordic race alongside members of the “inferior” races. It also includes diagrams illustrating racial lineage and maps showing the distribution of different races in Europe. The goal is to instill disgust and repulsion in the reader toward anyone who is not a “pure Aryan” and to warn of the outbreak of incurable diseases through the uncontrolled mixing of races via interracial marriages. To this end, the author includes photographs of various deformed individuals taken in outpatient psychiatric clinics in Germany to evoke revulsion and fear in the reader regarding racial mixing with “inferior” races, to warn of their danger, and to call for their eradication. In the final chapters, the author writes that the Nazi state’s role is to practically implement all the explanations presented here, which are intended to fulfill the Thousand-Year Reich according to Adolf Hitler’s vision, in such a way that “only those who are healthy will bring children into the world, ” and that “those who are physically and mentally unhealthy must not perpetuate their suffering among their children. The ethnic state must undertake here the greatest educational task of our time… We see from everything said that the goal of racial care is twofold: First, the goal must be achieved that serious hereditary diseases and defects in hereditary health are eliminated from the people, and second, that the hand of the precious race is dominant…”.

Extremely rare. It does not appear in the WorldCat global library catalog.

VI [2], 116 pages. A complete copy with the original paper wrapper. Light wear to the wrapper. Condition: good – very good.

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39. Race, Heredity, and Character - Fundamental Principles of Nazi Racial Theory - Many Illustrative Photographs. Berlin, 1934 - First Edition